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The World's Finest Tea

Posted: Apr 17th, '06, 22:08
by jogrebe

(click image for higher quality version in a new window)

Wow take a look at this the world's finest black tea and it can be found at a dollar store so it comes out to only a penny a cup. Adagio is such a ripoff compared to this.

[Disclaimer for those who may be slow of thought, the above is a joke]

Posted: Apr 17th, '06, 22:14
by Warden Andy
You mean I wasted my money buying Adagio tea when I could have gotten the best tea in the world for a dollar?! I want my money back!

Posted: Apr 17th, '06, 22:19
by TeaFanatic
I can't see the image...but I will have to trust you on this one...haha.

Posted: Apr 17th, '06, 22:30
by jogrebe
TeaFanatic wrote:I can't see the image...but I will have to trust you on this one...haha.
try this

Posted: Apr 17th, '06, 22:40
by TeaFanatic
I can see it now. The world's finest teas is also available in tea bags, so that you don't have to deal with the hassles of loose leaf! (insert sarcasm here)

Posted: Apr 18th, '06, 17:18
by Carnelian
I see where they save all the money to be able to serve the finest for a penny a cup, they don't splurge for tags

Posted: Apr 18th, '06, 17:50
by daughteroftheKing
This kind of stuff is ok to keep in the back of the pantry to be used for coloring lace, rinsing your hair, adding to your compost bin, easing puffy eyes, washing the floor, etc. Stash Tea's website has a fun topic called "You Do What With Tea?!" with many ideas for tea like this.
But, heavens no -- don't drink it!

Posted: Apr 18th, '06, 17:56
by MarshalN
You mean you don't drink that stuff? I drink it every day!

Posted: Apr 18th, '06, 18:07
by daughteroftheKing
Oh, poor poor MarshalN! Hmm...then again, look at the money you're saving.
I'm not too much of a tea snob to admit, though, that the tea addict in me would take this rather than no tea at all (it would be a desperate time).

Posted: Apr 20th, '06, 00:35
by himthatwas
Penny to penny, that is a damn fine tea. When I started drinking tea on a more regular basis it was due to a severe financial crush and a growing boredom with water. As a result I bought me a $.89 box fifty pack of Earl Grey in just this brand. I bough some of their other as well but they leave no memory. Hit the spot! Nice for iced tea.

Posted: Apr 20th, '06, 13:31
by yresim
Don't make fun too much without trying it, folks.

Just because its cheap doesn't mean it can't be good.

I am a pickle connoisseur (seriously: when certain chefs want to know how a pickle recipe turned out, they ask me to come over & try it). And the best bottled pickles currently available (not OOB or changed their recipe), hands down, come from the dollar store.

I would say it is unfair to compare this brand to Adagio's loose teas. But maybe try comparing it to other bagged teas, and see how it rates?


Posted: Apr 24th, '06, 00:44
by tealeaftimes
yresim wrote:Don't make fun too much without trying it, folks.

Just because its cheap doesn't mean it can't be good.

True. One of the best teas I have drunk was a bog standard supermarket tea from Nepal (I can't remember the name of it). I bought a load before leaving kathmandu, but foolishly gave it all away as gifts.