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a serious post..if anyone could help....

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 09:37
by tomasini
I'm trying to order a Lotus off the internet (NOT the car), preferably a live so it can be given as a gift. I don't care if it's an American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, or an Indian Lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, or any other species...i just need a Lotus....a pretty one :shock:

I can't find them anywhere

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 09:52
by Wesli
They haven't been that hard for me to find in the past. Have you called all the local flower shops?

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 10:27
by hop_goblin
FataliTEA wrote:They haven't been that hard for me to find in the past. Have you called all the local flower shops?

I agree with Fatal. I do not believe it would be a special order. Call your local shop and they will be glad to help ;)

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 10:36
by Mary R
[EDIT: I thought you were looking to grow them, so these are to live nurseries. If you want cut flowers, you must contact local florists.]

It might be a bit early to get them...from what I can see, places don't ship until late winter at the earliest. Most prefer spring. You could always do a "IOU" thing. We did that for my mom once. She really wanted a particular variety of hydrangea that we couldn't get until April. She was still happy.
Unable to ship lotus tubers until March
Actually, I think they might be shipping now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they don't.
Again, they don't ship until March/April. But I like their selection the best. Very pretty!

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 11:19
by Space Samurai
Central Market frequently has them, you might check with them; special orders are possible.

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 16:21
by tomasini
i love all of you. thank you for the help.

Posted: Nov 14th, '07, 16:23
by Wesli
You are welcome.