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Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Jan 26th, '12, 19:29
by dRummie
Thanks, Jess. Drinking it now. It's my first oolong, so I'll hold off on commenting till I've played around with it a bit more. But I've gotta say, the smell is heavenly.

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Jan 27th, '12, 16:05
by minienglishrose
Hello everyone! So happy to join this forum and learn more about tea!

How long have you been drinking tea? A long time, really can't remember. I grew up in England to Indian/Pakistani parents, so I was introduced to chai and to Tetley very early on.
What was your first Tea? See above, not sure! Probably very very milky chai
What is your favorite Tea currently? Yorkshire Gold with milk and sugar for the mornings, Kusmi's Russian Evening tea for the evenings
What is your next purchase? Not sure, but I am looking forward to branch out from black teas
Where is your favorite spot to brew up? In my kitchen on a bright sunny morning, especially when there's a loaf of fresh bread waiting to be devoured along with my tea :)

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Feb 1st, '12, 12:10
by SteveS12
Hi everyone!

I just discovered this forum yesterday and decided to jump in.

How long have you been drinking tea?
There was always tea in the house growing up. I'm 36 now so pretty
much my whole life.

What was your first Tea?it was the basic Lipton tea my parents brewed in the house. I began drinking other types of teas oolong mainly when I would go to chinese resturants, still in tea bag form, in my early 20's. At some point in my mid 20's I ventured out and bought my first loose leaf tea and infuser. The teas were Harney and Sons Vanilla and a Kusmi tea with bergamot oil. After becoming friends with a couple from China I was introduced to loose leaf Dragon Well green teas and fell in love with the green tea family.

What is your favorite Tea currently?Recently I have come full circle and have been brewing the Harney and Son's vanilla flavored black tea again, but that will change soon :)

What is your next purchase?Rooibos.

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?Everywhere, I drink tea through out the day.


Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Feb 25th, '12, 20:12
by oolongfan
Another noob here...

How long have you been drinking tea?
My whole life. Mainly English style black tea (with milk and sugar) and cheap restaurant or Asian grocery store bought Oolong tea.

What was your first Tea?
Irish Breakfast by Twinnings.

What is your favorite Tea currently?
Most things Oolong...Song Zhong and Imperial Da Hong Pao

What is your next purchase?
A really good Yixing pot.

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?
My study....where I can look out the window while drinking my tea.

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Feb 25th, '12, 20:54
by etorix
How long have you been drinking tea?
all my life really .. but mostly coffee till 6 months ago when i started seriously chasing a good Yixing, that first coffee was making me shake too much
What was your first Tea?
i grew up in Ireland, so quite rough locally packed black .. i aint seen anything similar for ages, i miss it
in the macrobiotic 60s i had a period of 3-year tea and twig tea from Japan
also i had acquired from 'somewhere' a black clay, pewter-armored pot that came in on a tea-clipper [i got into Golden Broken Orange Pekoe from Fortnum&mason .. came in a square tin wrapped in massively tough brown paper with a carry-knot] .. guess lookin back it must have been a commercial Yixing [17th century] .. clipper-skippers included a few chests of teaware, use em as ballast allegedly
What is your favorite Tea currently?
the tea im drinking now, im getting samples from EVERYWHERE
tho i also have some puer, im into taiwan oolongs atm
What is your next purchase?
most likely some samples from five-star in Poland
Where is your favorite spot to brew up?
i brew a few potsful in the kitchen and transfer to a thermos to take to my computer .. tho since now my pot-acquisition is going to be 'in my hand only' [no more online-buys] im plotting up a tea-table with dripbucket+kettle+jug so i can access single successive brews
must buy a tea-brush

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Mar 8th, '12, 11:34
by BrooklynBrew
I've been lurking here for a while, but figured I should say hello!

How long have you been drinking tea?
Since 1999 when I first visited London. I have been primarily a coffee drinker, but enjoyed black tea and green tea on occasion since then. I started drinking green tea regularly about 5 years ago. I am ashamed to say most of my tea drinking up until last fall was cheap bags (although not a stranger to loose teas).

What was your first Tea?
Probably a Typhoo or PG Tips when I was in London. Don't remember which.

What is your favorite Tea currently?
I'm nuts for Shu pu-erh, jade oolong, Yunnans, and Keemuns

What is your next purchase?
Probably more shu because it's like a drug, maybe a Keemun mao feng, some sort of Yunnan and a Darjeeling because I'm sort of unschooled there.

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?
At home. I am not super sophisticated with this. I have a VarieTEA kettle and an 18oz pot I use for most everything. I recently got myself a 2oz Gaiwan in Chinatown and have been enjoying playing with that when I have time at home.

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Mar 19th, '12, 10:41
by equiraptor
How long have you been drinking tea?
I'm from Texas, and while sweet tea isn't always available here, my mother loves it. As a result, I'm sure I tried my first tea at a rather early age. My first loose leaf tea was some time ago - I see order history back to 2006 with Adagio.

What was your first Tea?
My true first tea was some mediocre black tea. My first loose leaf teas were samplers from Adagio. I know we had a green tea, black tea, and herbal samplers. I quickly fell in love with Green Monkey and Foxtrot, and my boyfriend liked Irish Breakfast.

What is your favorite Tea currently?
Adagio's strawberry flavored black. I'd be interested in learning about other similar flavored teas, as well.

What is your next purchase?
I'm not sure what my next purchase will be. I just purchased a pound of Irish Breakfast (the last pound lasted 3 months), 3 oz each of strawberry, ginger peach, and lemon flavored teas, Adagio's mate sampler, some tea cookies (vanilla chai flavor), and… I don't remember what else.

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?
I do most of my brewing at home, on a back counter in the kitchen, then sip my tea in front of the TV. I use a Mazda MX-5 Miata mug that changes colors with the temperature of the liquid in it. My mother gave me the mug as a Christmas gift and I'm quite fond of it.

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Mar 30th, '12, 19:18
by smartkitty
How long have you been drinking tea?
I grew up in the tropics, so tea was not a frequent thing. Other than Crystal Light iced tea in the summer. I know, sacrilege, but I love the stuff. At any rate, I seem to remember Sleepy Time by Bigelow about as far back as I can go. So, yes, tisanes and fake iced tea in my youth, the occasional green or jasmine tea at Asian restaurants throughout my teenage years, and a whole lot of Moroccan Mint, Green Tea with Lemon, and Constant Comment through college. I didn't get into good quality, loose leaf tea as a hobby until last year. Depending on how you define "drinking tea", it's either been my entire life, or just a year. :P

What was your first Tea?
If tisanes count, Sleepy Time. If not, then nondescript greens at restaurants.

What is your favorite Tea currently?
The Sun Dried Jing Shan sold by Verdant Tea. It is GOOD.

What is your next purchase?
Hmm. Some Rou Gui, I think. Not sure where I'll get it, just know I need some.

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?
The kitchen. I wouldn't call it my favourite spot, but I live in a cramped studio apartment. The kitchen is the only spot where I can plug in the electric kettle and still have room to make the tea gong fu style.

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: Apr 12th, '12, 13:54
by Leo_Blue
I've introduced myself before, but I kind of fell off the world of tea last year and I doubt many remember me. So I thought I would reintroduce myself as I come back out of my tea deprived hibernation.

How long have you been drinking tea?
All my life I have experimented with drinking tea, but only seriously started drinking it around the summer of '10.

What was your first Tea?
Most likely some generic bagged black tea. My first "real" tea was a high mountain Chinese green tea from a local tea house.

What is your favorite Tea currently?
Currently I would say Tie Guan Yin, especially greener ones. Though I am quite partial to Bai Hao Yin Zhen.

What is your next purchase?
That's a matter of internal debate. Unfortunately I don't have any tea heads in my personal life to help me come up with a decision. I am thinking some fresh greens from China, but if anyone has a good suggestion let me know, I am in the market to buy a big batch of new tea soon.

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?
Outdoors! Like a park or in the backyard of my mother's house on her patio. I especially like brewing late at night as the warmth of the tea is even more inviting and the chill in the air prompts one to finish the cup in a hurried yet timid manner before it gets too cold.

Anyone that wants to talk about tea message me or what have you. I am extremely excited to be back in the tea world and I'm making a goal not to fall off again. I would love to learn anything I can from whomever I can.

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: May 8th, '12, 18:24
by Tanzan
Hey everyone, I've learned a lot browsing the board over the past few weeks and am excited to join the group

How long have you been drinking tea?

About a year and a half now, after serendipitously stumbling into Teaism in Washington DC one day.

What was your first Tea?

Some sort of Tieguanyin I believe

What is your favorite Tea currently?

The Rougui Wuyi I got from Red Blossom

What is your next purchase?

I've been saving up for a while to try some Da Hong Pao, maybe the one on Seven Cups

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?

In my living room at home

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: May 8th, '12, 18:44
by debunix
Welcome to TeaChat!

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: May 11th, '12, 18:42
by Okimasa
Maybe some of you already know me from other places across the internet, but whether you know me or not, let me introduce myself to you here! :D

How long have you been drinking tea?
I became a serious tea drinker about five or six years ago now, I suppose.

What was your first Tea?
I really have no idea, it's beyond my memory. However, on the cusp of my "serious" stage, I had some sort of Sencha from a health store... humble beginnings...

What is your favorite Tea currently?
On a broad level, Japanese greens (because that's all I drink :lol: ) More specifically than that, I suppose Sencha seeing how that's typically what I'm drinking. And even more specifically than that, I would probably say's Yutaka Midori.

What is your next purchase?
Probably going to be's Miyabi - can't wait to try the 2012 Shincha version of it!

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?
I like brewing out in nature, but short of that, either at my coffee table, or in bed with my laptop :mrgreen:

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: May 12th, '12, 07:20
by David R.
Very nice Seigan cup on your avatar. :)

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: May 12th, '12, 09:41
by Okimasa
David R. wrote:Very nice Seigan cup on your avatar. :)
Thanks :D

Re: Calling on all noobs and not so noobs!

Posted: May 22nd, '12, 10:22
by Wout
How long have you been drinking tea?
Ive been drinking tea for about 2 year only recently some decent one :).

What was your first Tea?
Q-tea premium black with 'natural' vanilla flavor,I like it back then but when i recently tried it again i missed any real flavor.

What is your favorite Tea currently?
I'm enjoying some Ceylon black's at the moment it has a nice fruity aftertaste,I also got some Jasmine Green which i quite like.But with my limited experience and the packages i'm expecting this might change pretty soon.

What is your next purchase?
Looking into Darjeeling oorlongs from thunderbolt but the sample packs have run out and i'm wondering know what would suite my taste best.

Where is your favorite spot to brew up?
I like sitting in my living room in front of the window.
Just relaxing and trying too describe the flavors hidden deep in that orangy-red fluid.