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Tea(chat) Newbie

Posted: Mar 31st, '08, 04:33
by Terrasi
I have read a LOT of old topics and I lurk constantly. Though I occasionally comment on the daily teapoll I thought I should formally introduce myself.

I come from Colorado, A far away land of high altitude and amazingly beautiful mountains.

My name is actually Robert but I could not come up with a clever way to fuse "tea" and "robert". I suppose I could have used "rooibos" or something...

Either way, it's nice to say hi to everyone.

If anyone has some ideas for teas for a tea newbie to try I would appreciate it. I have tried many adagio samplers(green tea sampler, black tea sampler, foxtrot, etc), but that's it.

Re: Tea(chat) Newbie

Posted: Mar 31st, '08, 04:57
by Trey Winston
Welcome, Robert :D
Terrasi wrote:
If anyone has some ideas for teas for a tea newbie to try I would appreciate it. I have tried many adagio samplers(green tea sampler, black tea sampler, foxtrot, etc), but that's it.
I would suggest the white tea sampler, if you haven't tried it already. White tea is not everyone's favorite, but sometimes it really strikes home.

Posted: Mar 31st, '08, 06:19
by olivierco
Welcome here.

Yunnan gold is a very good black tea.

Posted: Mar 31st, '08, 07:01
by Victoria
Welcome Robert! I second the Yunnan Gold, it's currently my favorite black. How do you feel about oolongs? Adagio Ti Kuan Yin is very good.
What types are your favorite?

Posted: Mar 31st, '08, 07:36
by Terrasi
I love black tea. The problem is that I don't yet know what I like, since I want to try enough teas that I can actually decide.

The only oolong I have tried is jasmine #9/#12, so I don't even know what most oolongs taste like on their own.

Green tea is something I don't like that much, but I keep giving it a chance because I think I simply haven't found one I like yet. I also think I spent a few weeks brewing it too long/too hot after I got my sampler. Some of them (kukicha for example) tasted far too grassy for me.

White tea is something I only heard of recently, and haven't had the chance to try it yet.

I'm making a list of anything mentioned here, so I can order the samples.

Posted: Mar 31st, '08, 11:56
by auggy
Welcome Robert!

No tea suggestions for you as I'm currently doing the same thing of trying different sample collections to find what I like. Though I suppose I'm going to make myself a liar and say that the oolong sampler I got from SpecialTeas has been quite good if you are looking for an oolong variety sampler.

Posted: Apr 1st, '08, 18:57
by Chip
Hi Robert...I hear you sold your car to buy a couple kilos of tea... :wink:

Welcome to TeaChat and I hope you enjoy the forum and the TeaFellowship. Glad to see you found TeaDay

I hope you visit TeaDay often and share what is in your cup.

Posted: Apr 4th, '08, 12:42
by Terrasi
Update: I bought some samples: A few oolongs, dragonwell, silver needle.

I loved them all. I think oolong will be a favorite type of tea for me from now on.

White tea, which I had never tried before, was not what I expected; very good.