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Videos - The making of Formosa Gao Shan Oolong

Posted: Feb 17th, '08, 14:37
by tenuki
I would recommend you get a fresh cup of tea, sit back and watch all of them in order. Really interesting stuff.

Part I
Part II
Part III

Posted: Feb 17th, '08, 19:51
by RussianSoul
I just watched all three of them. Fascinating!

Thank you for posting these videos!

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 09:54
by Victoria
Thanks for posting, very interesting indeed. And cool to think my leaves were right there. Nice.

Posted: Feb 20th, '08, 11:28
by augie
Thanks a bunch, Tenuki. I will save this viewing for later, not getting anything done at work! I'd love to spend just one day picking tea. I'm sure there's more to it than it appears in the video.

Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 20:40
by augie
Now that I have taken more than 3 minutes to view these properly . . . I feel like change for a nickel! The music works great with the outdoor footage -- out of place in the factory.
1. the tea pickers. OMG, they all must have carpel tunnel.
2. then I got to the factory footage. All those people working in a tight space NO guards on the equipment whatsoever. Especially the kneading steps. 10-20 times. Mr Wu could easily get his shirt caught in that widing mechanism and not be able to stop it.
3. any of those workers could easily bump another and knock them into those tumblng dryers or the kneaders.
4. No visible (to me) safety stops, hand guards. Wheels turning the tumblers with no guards could easily catch clothing.
I am very fortunate to live where my employer has no choice but to provide a safe working environment for me. Something to think about while enjoying my tea.

I'm still glad you posted, thanks.

Posted: Feb 21st, '08, 21:53
by Pentox
Really interesting video, although that music got on my nerves by the end.

As far as augie's comments go:
1. I somewhat doubt that they suffer from carpel tunnel. If you think about it they aren't picking that often, it's not a year round job. It's also not the same repetitive motion, it's not as uniform as say typing on a keyboard.
2-4. Personally I believe that the environment that they were working in seemed to be a quite safe environment. I think that they have a proper respect for the machine knowing it is a rather large and possibly dangerous piece of machinery. I personally am not that big of a fan of a forced environment where a worker could stop respecting the power of a large piece of industrial machinery. Granted i'm not in favor of very dangerous conditions ala industrial revolution, but i'm also not in favor of childproofing an industrial machine.

Posted: Feb 22nd, '08, 00:01
by hop_goblin
Awesome vid.. thanks for sharing!

Posted: Feb 22nd, '08, 01:04
by Chip
Thanx for sharing, Tenuki!!