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Oolong Box Pass

Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 18:19
by Victoria
RussianSoul wrote:
tenuki wrote:* Looks through the teachat rule book to see if there is any rule against two boxes gong at once.... *

;) *nudge nudge Victoria*
Hmmm.... Like Oolong Box? Now, that's an idea :idea: !
Ok, in response <ouch> to the gentle <ouch> nudging of Tenuki and Russian Soul, and the hoards of other people hounding me to sign up (4), I am announcing the first OOLONG BOX PASS! Thank you to Eastree for his idea and for all his work in laying down the initial guidelines.

This box is made up of a collective of different people’s teas and therefore is not in anyway affiliated with Adagio, TeaChat or its representatives. Nor does Adagio, TeaChat or its representatives accept any liability for its contents, or the loss there of. By signing up and agreeing to participate, you are in agreement and understand this disclaimer.

How it works:
I will start the box pass and send to the first person on the list. You will try some of the teas, add to it your own contribution (not required but encouraged), then mail to the next person on the list. You do not have to put a tea in for each one you take, but please be fair and considerate of others. Please don’t take all of one tea, unless there is only enough left for a single brew.

At the end the last person will send back to me. At that time we may begin another pass, or have a contest for the remaining tea.

Rules and Guidelines:

Who can Participate:
USA residents only please.
Established members

The deadline is Friday, June 13th.

Ship by any means you would like to the next member but I would advise a tracking number.
Please PM the person you are shipping to and let them know the package is on the way.

Please handle the tea carefully.
Teas that are scented or flavored should be double bagged.
Please make sure to carefully label your tea.
Include brewing instructions if you wish.

The starting shipment generously donated by tenuki:
brown gaiwan
green gaiwan
glass sharing pitcher
fish cups and sharing pitcher
daiso cups
flower cup
mini display mats
brown YiXing pot
Honorable Mention 2008 Baozhong - Floating Leaves Tea
2008 Dong Ding - Floating Leaves Tea
Formosa Wu Yi - Floating Leaves Tea
Shan Lin Xi - TH - tenuki roast
Adagio #18 - tenuki roast
Wu Yi Shui Xian - New Century Tea Gallery
Iron Goddess - New Century Tea Gallery
Monkey Pick Oolong - New Century Tea Gallery
Formosa Fo Shou - Hou De
98 Aged Formosa Bai Hao - Hou De
Feng Haung Dan Cong - Tea Spring
TGY - TS - tenuki roast
Iron Goddess Anxi Ooolong - Red Blossom Tea
Formosa San Ling Xi - Red Blossom Tea
Hang Kuan Yin - Red Blossom Tea
Charcoal Roasted Tung Ting - Red Blossom Tea
- A nice Baozhong from Stephane' of teamasters blog
- Some fresh Ali Shan just in today from Teahome
- Some mystery and suprise.

The starting shipment by me:

Beidou Yi Hou Wuyi Oolong - TeaCuppa
2007 Wuyi Bai Me Dan - Hou De
90's Aged Nan Tou - Hou De
LiShan - Fu Shou - Floating Leaves Tea
Snow Pear Oolong - Xue Li - Silk Road teas
Golden Buddha - Red Blossom Tea
Makaibari Organic Oolong - TeaSource
Magnolia Oolong - TeaSource
Korean Oolong
Orange Blossom Oolong - New Mexico Tea Co.
White Tipped Oolong - New Mexico Tea Co.
Dream Goddess TKY - Te
Formosa Oolong - English Tea Store
Oolong Orange Blossom - English Tea Store
Pouchong - TenRen
Tea Pockets - Make your own tea bags
Digital Timer

Confirmed are:

01. Tenuki to
02. Me
03. Russian Soul
04. Henley
05. ABx
06. GeekgirlUnveiled
07. Auggy
08. PolyhymnianMuse
09. Chip
10. Tower of Dabble
11. Augie
12. Cinnamon Kitty
13. kymidwife
14. Aphroditea

Admission is now Closed for this Box.

Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 18:42
by Geekgirl
You know I'm up for it! :D

Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 19:16
by Chip
Can a "lawnmower man" play too??? I promise not to add any grass clippings...*swears*

Who invited the newbie? :wink: If you are before me, just quietly add the celadon bowl and an arita cup.... :idea:

Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 20:36
by Geekgirl
Didn't know I could use teapass as an opportunity to divest myself of undesirable teaware...

*throws in crappy garage sale teapot for chip*


Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 20:43
by auggy
Can I play if I'm already playing with the other box, too? Please?

Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 21:19
by Victoria
Of course!

Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 21:34
by towerofdabble
Hey, count me in!

I have all kinds of interesting things to contribute to the box.



Posted: Jun 6th, '08, 23:47
by RussianSoul
Oooohhhh, I am so IN!

Take that question mark out please!!!

Posted: Jun 7th, '08, 00:21
by trent
IN!!!! (fully confirmed)

Posted: Jun 7th, '08, 13:08
by PolyhymnianMuse
Totally! I can't wait this is going to be awesome!

Posted: Jun 7th, '08, 17:05
by auggy
Victoria wrote:Of course!
Woo hoo!

Is there such a thing as Tea-aholics Anon? Because I think I might have a problem.... :lol:

Posted: Jun 7th, '08, 17:35
by Aphroditea
May I be last? I am very new to oolong, TKY is pretty much it (although it is one of my favorite teas!). I would not have much to contrubute to such a box (except for the afore mentioned TKY, from Adagio, which I am sure everyone already had).

I hate to be a mooch, but I want to explore oolongs more and I am sure that you guys who are such huge fans will be able to add a great deal of wonderful tea to dive into!!

Posted: Jun 7th, '08, 18:05
by Victoria
Sure, not problem. That's the whole idea, to share and for people to try oolongs they are not accquainted with.

Posted: Jun 7th, '08, 18:09
by henley
auggy wrote:
Victoria wrote:Of course!
Woo hoo!

Is there such a thing as Tea-aholics Anon? Because I think I might have a problem.... :lol:
If you go, you gotta take the rest of us w/you! :lol:

Posted: Jun 7th, '08, 18:17
by Salsero
henley wrote:If you go, you gotta take the rest of us w/you!
I'll go with you if they are serving tea!