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Need help brewing the perfect pot...

Posted: Sep 23rd, '11, 16:17
by WileyC
My fiance and I just invested in a small tea pot, nice little 3 cup porcelain teapot for personal use after classes or a long day of work. However, we've been running into the issue of brewing the perfect pot and all of our blends turn out bland or watery. We have a basic tea strainer that sits in the pot, put in a couple teaspoons of leaves and pour in the water, heat for a few moments and therein lies the problem, no flavour at all :( Wondering if any of you experts out there could help out a couple of noobies to the scene of brewing the perfect tea. We have Green teas, two varieties of Chai and a black tea and white tea as well. Any hints?

Re: Need help brewing the perfect pot...

Posted: Sep 23rd, '11, 16:23
by Chip
Welcome Wiley to TeaChat. You might want to post specific questions about specific general types of teas in the appropriate forum (Green Ta, Black Tea, etc.) of TeaChat.

If you are getting watered down results, more tea, more time (you say "moments"), and possibly hotter water might be needed. These variables however can vary pretty much from one general type of tea to another ... thus my suggestion above.

Of course, the tea could be at fault as well.

Re: Need help brewing the perfect pot...

Posted: Sep 24th, '11, 02:52
by DewDropofJade
I believe the secret to making delicious tea is the tea itself. Buy good quality tea. There are many vendors out there. I'm an advocate of supporting local businesses, but there are many online shops if a local store is not available. Yes, the tea is going to be more expensive, but you have to understand that they are more expensive for a reason. A lot of these teas are hand picked and hand crafted and are picked in a certain season. Cheaper teas are harvested year round by a machine (there is no tea detector built into these machines, it gathers whatever is on the leaf at the time) and are usually a blend of many different farms. Buy from a retailer you trust.

Also, it is important to remember that with good quality teas you can resteep your tea multiple times. For certain Oolong teas you can use one tablespoon of leaves for an 8 oz teapot and get at least 6 cups using about a minute and a half steepings. Sometimes buying the more expensive tea is actually a better value for this very reason!

That's my two cents.