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How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 13th, '12, 19:57
by Tako
I've heard 3cups a day is fine, up to 10 if you're trying to loose weight and that equals to 1-3 250mL cups. I drink 250mL cup in the morning and another one after work. I want to drink all day but knowing this limit I have to limit myself. Does this result in green tea only if this is true?

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 13th, '12, 21:59
by debunix
If you're not having problems that force you to limit fluids or caffeine (like some heart or kidney problems), there's really no need to worry about any supposed 'limit'.

I prepare 2-5 different teas a day, and because I drink them somewhat dilute and do multiple infusions per tea, that translates to 1 to 3 liters of tea daily, sometimes more. I don't seem to have any negative side effects.

Currently today: about 600mL Den's shin-ryoku sencha, about 1L of Norbu's Shui Xian wuyi oolong, and now working on another 0.5-1L of Norbu's High Mountain Beauty Alishan Oolong, after about 1 L this morning of chamomile/hibiscus/gamro/mint/licorice tea. Still haven't floated away or had head explode.

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 14th, '12, 01:42
by sriracha
About 3L here too, but it varies since on workdays choice and opportunity are limited.
Never had any bad effect on me...yet. I've been drinking tea for thirty years.

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 14th, '12, 01:52
by BioHorn
Today we drank about 25 grams of tea. It consisted of three teas in three medium sized gaiwans. I would guess that volume-wise our liquid intake came to 500-1000 ml.
(+- 20 infusions at 25 ml each would be a typical day)

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 14th, '12, 17:12
by Tako
Yay :) Google failed xD

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 14th, '12, 17:53
by teaisme
I find my comfortable limit per sitting to be 700-900 ml if drank more quickly over the course of an hour or two. So twice a day usually would come to 1400-1800ml. 2-5 hrs a day. Wow now that I think about it I do spend a lot of time drinking tea :lol: That's a quarter of my awake time sipping away :mrgreen:

It should be noted though that I very rarely drink anything else throughout the day. I suppose any more fluid then my kidneys might be too taxed.

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 16th, '12, 19:54
by FlyedPiper
Basically as much as you want barring any health limitations. There's Flourosis, but you'd have to drink insane amounts of tea and develop quite a tolerance to caffeine to do so. Your body will tell you when you've reached the limit of what it can handle.

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 20th, '12, 20:13
by Tako
I'm only drinking tea when I'm at home now at least 1 litre :)

Soon, I have no choice buy to order soon never though I'd be running out this fast hehe

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 20th, '12, 21:44
by Poohblah
it seems a little misleading to answer this question with a liquid volume. Answer by weight of dry leaf makes more sense to me.

I usually can't handle more than about 10 grams of tea in a day by myself. I think that, for me, that usually comes out to somewhere between 2 and 4 litres? depending on how long the tea lasts and things like that. Most days 5 grams per day is satisfactory for me.

I seem to be a relative lightweight compared to you guys.

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 21st, '12, 04:14
by sriracha
I think both dry tea and volume of fluid is equally misleading in that case, 5g of black tea that takes maybe two steeps vs aged pu or good oolong that takes vastly more-same weight, loads more tea. =)

For the record, I've sometimes tried to estimate the amount of dry tea I use up in a day(days off, work days are a different, more depressing matter), most days it comes to 15-17g. Is that a lot? :o

How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 21st, '12, 10:44
by debunix
I think it's time to weight a day's worth of tea and find out.

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jun 21st, '12, 11:09
by jaderabbit
My limit is 2 L per day. Anymore, and I can't sleep at night. :oops:
I don't have a scale so I can't say how many grams I consume per day. Probably no more than 15g.

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jul 8th, '12, 09:39
by needaTEAcher
When I am home, and not traveling, I drink 2-3 liters a day, mostly puerh, but with a decent amount of "other" each day. I run the range from Silver Needles to Earl Grey, but my favorite combo is a large cup (maybe a half liter) of Earl Grey in the morning, followed by up to a liter of Da Hong Pao followed by up to a liter of puerh.

Too much?

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jul 9th, '12, 03:16
by TwoDog2
Depends on the type for me. Sometimes certain sheng puer, a single session is enough to totally wipe me out for the day. A second tea would make me feel terrible.

If it's not puer, I can go for a long time, particularly with greens or whites

neesaTEAcher, how do you do 2-3 liters of puer! That is intense!

Re: How much tea can you drink a day?

Posted: Jul 9th, '12, 10:05
by needaTEAcher
Cause I love it! Also because my teachers here give me baller tea in such quantities that I can't say no, but early on I used to get headaches from too much. The solution? Chocolate! Seriously! Also, drinking oolong before the puerh helps.

My teachers regularly drink 3-5liters a day in their shops!!!! :mrgreen: