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Question: Are all green teas made of the same plant?

Posted: Feb 16th, '13, 15:41
by Brian Nametko
Hi fellow green tea lovers,

I've noticed that higher quality, or even organic green teas, have a much different taste then lower quality teas. Does this mean that the tea leaves come from different forms of plants? Also in everyone's opinion, what's your favorite brand/label of Green Tea. I usually go for Bigelow, Tazo or The Republic of Tea.

Re: Question: Are all green teas made of the same plant?

Posted: Feb 16th, '13, 15:50
by AdamMY
Assuming what you have is actually tea, with no added flavorings then yes all green teas, and in fact all teas come from the same plant: C. Sinensis. There are different varietals and cultivars which offer a little bit of difference in taste, but they are all the same "plant."

Really with tea what you pay for is quality growing conditions, processing, and handling of the leaves from the farm to you. Again this is true of all teas that are actually tea. Herbal "teas" are actually tisanes and should not be called tea.