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Kukicha - A First Experience

Posted: Nov 25th, '07, 20:34
by tomasini
So while strolling around my Whole Foods, I was eyeing the Kukicha...and decided what the hell, let's give it a whirl.

I get home and ask my loving friends using the instant messenger how they prefer there Kuki, and the method i end up going with was a first brew of one minute. a second brew of about 20 or 30 seconds, and a final brew of one minute.

The first two cups were delicious but the third was a little too watery, maby a minute 15 seconds next time?

But I was wondering, how do the rest of you brew? I saw that Rishi reccomended 3 minutes at a nice 180.....

All in all i loved the tea, and probably preferable to me than, dare a say it, Fukamushi....

Posted: Nov 25th, '07, 20:52
by Wesli
With kuki, I've never gotten a bad brew. I just loosely follow sencha parameters, but go a little hotter with the water.

Say... ~178°F for 1.5 minutes, then 40s, 60s.

That never leads me astray, but I don't drink much kuki either. I've only ever had 3 types.

By the way, if you're enjoying the tastes of twig tea, you have GOT to try out Hibiki-an's Karigane Sencha(which is their kukicha, in which they use gyokuro stems instead of sencha stems!). That stuff is a whole 'nother brew!

Posted: Nov 25th, '07, 21:55
by Chip
I second the hibikli-an karigane ssencha comment. That stuff is simply outstanding.

I vary a little from fatali with brewing. I like to use 5 grams per 200 ml, 175*, 1 min.

I am easily able to get 4-6 steeps if it is good karigane. Plus it is low caffeine.

If you are brewing gyoluro karigane, the temp is much lower.

Posted: Nov 25th, '07, 22:37
by Space Samurai
I like 6 grams and 1.5 minutes myself, but I use a bit more water than 200 ml, between 210 and 240 i'd say.

Posted: Nov 25th, '07, 22:57
by tomasini
i saddly have no way of measuring my teas grams...merely a teaspoon...:-/

Posted: Nov 25th, '07, 23:09
by Space Samurai
A level teaspoon of kuki seems to be about 2.5 grams.

Posted: Nov 25th, '07, 23:16
by Wesli
Any takers on this one...

How long will a good kukicha (Sencha Karigane from Hibiki-an) last for if stored properly (opened, not in cold storage. In bag, inside tin)?

Posted: Nov 26th, '07, 01:44
by Space Samurai
Let's see...I received my Hibiki karigane Sept. 13, opened it immediately, and it is still wonderful. So at least 2 months and 12 days.