New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

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Bizarre Happenings? Have you ever experienced or encountered something that could be deemed BIZARRE? Please share ... if you dare!

Yes, despite the seemingly large number of quacks, I have ...
No, seeing the quacks is enough to steer me away ...
Yes, I believe I have experienced an Off the Wall Experience
I am Open-Minded, but have never experienced this realm
No votes
No, I have never considered the "Other Side"
YES, see my post!
Yes, UFO(s)
No votes
UFOs ... what a joke
Yes, Bigfoot (by any other name)
No votes
Bigfoot, you have gotta be joking
Ghost/spirit encounter(s)
Nope to the ghosts
"déjà vu all over again"
Nix on the déjà vu
No votes
ESP on some degree
ESPN maybe, but not ESP
A miracle of some kind
No miracles
Near death experience
Other, please share!
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New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by Chip » Mar 28th, '12, 23:15

Welcome everyone to The New TeaDay and a new topic!

In light of what Mrs. Chip and I will be doing on Saturday with our grandchildren, Mrs. Chip thought it would be thought provoking and interesting to see if anyone had engaged in any "Off the Wall" activities? And if anyone would admit to it! :mrgreen:

Have fun with this and do not be judgemental to what is posted here by other TCers.

Our grandsons were hiking and came across a very bizarre "footprint" in a heavily wooded area north of us. They immediately texted Mrs. Chip with a photo of what they believe could be "Bigfoot"! She encouraged them to document everything even to the point of casting the print. :idea:

Well, they did this and it is a remarkable photo and incident. We are remaining open-minded and feel we would like to support them in this discovery. In fact, one of our grandsons is considering going into the field of Cryptozoology.

So on this Saturday afternoon, we will be supporting them and videotaping the trek into the woods to the location. We will hopefully post the photos and results in this topic.

In light of this, we are interested in hearing if anyone here has had an "Off the Wall Experience" or had participated in anything that could be deemed unusual or abnormal. Ghost hunting, UFO sightings, etc. Please feel free to share your feelings and/or experiences with "Bizarre Happenings ...?"

Looking forward to entering into this realm of the Twilight Zone with you! Bottoms UP!

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by Chip » Mar 29th, '12, 00:16

You can always share what is in your cup here with us! Photos are always welcome.

And you can also share what is in your cup under specific forums of TeaChat!

Black tea





Other Tea-Type forums of TeaChat do not have a what are you drinking topic ...

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by FlyedPiper » Mar 29th, '12, 00:37

I work on a psych ward... bizarre is normal for me :)

Working my way through some Yame gyo from O-cha... and the dregs of this winter's yancha/puerh orders.

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by aeflo » Mar 29th, '12, 06:26

i'm an atheist and i also dont't belive in other paranormal things.

but for sure tea is somehow magical :D
had some great sencha Maruyama from maiko yesterday evening, heading for another session today after work

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by tortoise » Mar 29th, '12, 09:13

I know a woman who very much insists that she hit a bigfoot -- "Skookum" as he's known to the natives -- with her truck. It was late one evening in rural North Louisiana and she was taking her domestic garbage to the area dump. After she threw the bags from the bed of her pickup, she got back in the cab, and as she turned the wheel to drive around the big hopper, she hit a very large, very hairy and unclothed primate type thing that walked on two legs. She heard it yell and hobble off quickly. It didn't have to go very far before it was obscured in the woods.

She has gone back to the site on many other occasions hoping to find some clue...other than the dent and clump of hair that clung to the headlight housing where she hit the beast. She's otherwise a quite normal person. I'm sure she hit something...

Ah well, i guess that wasn't my personal story, but I'm having the last of my Tie Luo Han from Life in a Teacup as I share it with you.

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by SlientSipper » Mar 29th, '12, 19:20

I've had/heard some really odd coincidences.

1. My grandmother(mom's side) told me about this superstition about if you wake up to a bird pecking at your window someone you know will die.
This happened to me on Vacation and I consulted my other relatives and they laughed it off. Shortly after I returned I found out my favorite teacher passed away from a brain tumor. I had no idea of it.

2. My other grandmother (Dad's side) Had this friend. She was blind and very disabled from illness. Yet, she could see the future. My grandma asked her what age she would die. She answered "92". Last month it was discovered she has colon cancer that has spread to her liver. She doesn't have much time left. At least she is at peace with it all.

Oh and I had a near death experience not too long ago. It felt like going to sleep.

sorry for the grim post. :|

I'm half way done with my Sencha and Gyokuro mix.
Last edited by SlientSipper on Mar 30th, '12, 02:08, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by verus » Mar 29th, '12, 20:40

I've had just one odd thing happen, but I'm not going to share... :lol:

Anyway, I'm not convinced it was "supernatural" or just a crazy coincidence. But it was meaningful to me, either way.

As usual, Lishan oolong for me tonight.

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by Proinsias » Mar 30th, '12, 04:57

Nothing overly bizarre myself, the occasional 'you should have been there' moment. Spent most of my teens reading about all sorts of outlandish theories and I have a pretty open mind.
My favourite bizarre theory was a chap I read many years ago who was convinced that the moon was an extraterrestrial base, he had identified giant x shaped diggers from surface photographs which were turning the moon inside out - giving the appearance of a dead outer layer to cleverly hide the alien base. The moon landings were not exploration but were of course efforts from the US and USSR to confront the aliens and ensure the protection of earth - thus explaining why the moon landing were faked, we couldn't show the public the real moon landings!

Anyway, more shu today
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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by debunix » Mar 30th, '12, 14:17

Trying to understand enough of quantum physics to get through my college course was sufficiently bizarre for me.

I do enjoy learning about an occasional really entertaining crackpot theories, though. I worked in the lab of a Nobel-winning scientist as a graduate student, and he reserved a corner of the bulletin board for some of the more unusual letters his notoriety brought to him.

Today, on an overcast misty day when a lot of strangeness might seem more possible, I'm dealing with mundane events and enjoying a little break with Honyama sencha from Yuuki-cha.

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by bryan_drinks_tea » Mar 30th, '12, 16:08

When I was a young man I travelled with my father to California. We landed in S.F. and from there saw various coasted cities, the San Juaqin (sp) valley, and Yosemite. He rented a purple 1998 Chrysler LHS. We were driving over the Golden Gate Bridge early on in the trip - our windows were rolled up, our doors were closed, and the radio was off. About halfway over the bridge, we heard a loud sound of an announcer speaking, but only for a second. We both heard it, so we know it wasn't just one of us. We checked everything we could think of, but just couldn't explain it. It's not creepy, but it does make for an interesting story.

PowerBlend shu puerh in my cup today at work. Every shu pu that elicited notable qi was plopped into this stuff, and the combination of all of them in one pot makes the pot glow, as well as me...

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by Chip » Mar 30th, '12, 17:08

... so, per the other TeaDay topic I posted in ... I invested 2 bucks today in the megamillions lottery ... I am planning on using all of my telekinetic powers to ensure winning the 500,000,000 USD payoff!!! Half a billion bucks ... insane!

I frequently joke around about having telekinetic powers ... doing a sort of wizard thing with my hands. I hope one day after much practice to be shocked that it works! :lol:

Aside from feelings of deja vu in the past and belief that there is life out there somewhere ... I am otherwise a rather conservative thinker on such areas of interest.

But who knows. I consider all the amazing powers in other earth lifeforms. That is taken as scientific fact ... such as a shark being able to smell blood from miles away. Animals being able to see and hear on levels that seem impossible. So, who is to say that such notions are impossible and the fodder of quacks only? :idea: :arrow:

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by Chip » Mar 31st, '12, 01:51

... well, I definitely am lacking any special powers, failing to match a single number.

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Re: New TeaDay Thursday 3/28/12 Bizarre?

by Xell » Mar 31st, '12, 10:56

Chip wrote:... well, I definitely am lacking any special powers, failing to match a single number.
Try to reverse polarity! :lol:
Lottery in Japan doesn't excite much, feels like even one ticket cost too much. So didn't have a chance to test my super powers yet, i mean, if i have them :)
