Brewing Tips for Oolong

Owes its flavors to oxidation levels between green & black tea.

Oct 1st, '10, 13:53
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Re: Brewing Tips for Oolong

by noname » Oct 1st, '10, 13:53

Possibly, if you steep for an extremely short period of time or you go to re-steep for 100th time ))))
IMHO - better to understeep and gradually increase temps/time/amount than create a bitter tasting brew.

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Re: Brewing Tips for Oolong

by entropyembrace » Oct 1st, '10, 23:25

Shiuwen from Floating Leaves Tea says "ANY GOOD OOLONG TEA CAN HANDLE BOILING WATER." ( ... water.html ) and I tend to agree with her...I´ve always brewed oolongs with boiling water...when I don´t it seems like not all of the flavours and aromas are extracted that I would get with boiling water. I think in the case of oolong if it´s bitter reduce the brewing time not the temperature.

But if you like your oolong brewed at lower temperature go what you drink and drink what you like....I just feel like I´m missing out on something when I brew oolong that way.

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Re: Brewing Tips for Oolong

by kymidwife » Oct 1st, '10, 23:46

In my rather novice opinion, its better to go hotter on the water, and short on the infusion time... gradually increasing the time as you go along with more infusions. I've tried it both ways, and that's what has yielded the best results for me.


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Re: Brewing Tips for Oolong

by edkrueger » Oct 9th, '10, 15:21

noname wrote:Great advice from posters above. Specifically regarding using 195 F or lower temp water. Over-steeped oolongs or greens fro that matter are absolutely undrinkable. I also like the point about pouring out a bit and trying it during the brewing process.
And my 5 cents regarding amounts - with rolled tea like someone mentioned just cover the bottom of Gaiwan. With un rolled leaf teas I usually fill Gaiwan around half way maybe a bit less. Then again I don't always steep for 30 seconds either.
I think the general point here is start with less tea and cooler water - you may get weaker brew but at least it wont be bitter undrinkable liquid ))))
This post makes me think you are drinking some pretty bad oolong.
NOESIS wrote:
Victoria wrote:Hotter temps does not = over steeping.
I'm just sayin'.
Very good point, Victoria. In fact on my trips to Taiwan/China, just off-boil water was generally the rule, for all types of oolong. Personally, I go for about 208 degress with most of my oolongs (I use my Zojirushi's hottest setting). Bao Zhongs are the only type that I brew at lower temp (195 degrees).
A point of advise about the Zoji, the water will cool off as it dispenses. So, unless you hold your pot right up to the "spout" of the Zoji, its going to be cooler than the level it says.

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Re: Brewing Tips for Oolong

by debunix » Oct 9th, '10, 16:07

I have been able to find bitter in even very fine oolong, when overbrewed--too much leaf/heat/time. This is not to say that most oolongs, brewed with short enough steeps, can't handle quite hot water; but to say that any tea that gives bitter is poor quality is just a myth.

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