Thursday TeaDay 10/02/08 Anything better than tea?

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Is there ANYTHING you ENJOY drinking more than tea?

No, tea reigns supreme
Yes, I do enjoy drinking something MORE than tea
Total votes: 58

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Oct 2nd, '08, 09:46
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by murrius » Oct 2nd, '08, 09:46

If tea and beer were having a race for the most enjoyable drink prize it would be a photo finish in my world. However, if I had to choose one and give up the other forever I would choose tea.

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by Smari » Oct 2nd, '08, 09:57

That's a lovely shot Sal!

Tea right now is one of my only choices- along with water and one cup of coffee per month. I just can't find myself drinking anything else for "enjoyment" other than tea. I used to love pop and that was my "fun" drink but after a wake up call resulting of surgeries, I said no more and promised to stick with tea.

This morning, brewed up some of Adagio's Jasmine #12. I just love the smell of Jasmine; as it brings back memories of my childhood when my father used to brew up his Jasmine tea from the yellow tin that is still in most Asian households today. I miss those moments...

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by Victoria » Oct 2nd, '08, 10:22

Shelob wrote:touche, tea reigns supreme..sounds like original iron chef?
{Xcept for my occasional scotch on the rocks :wink: }
Nice oolong is now cold oh well another steep
Hey, pop an ice cube in there, that is what I do now.
Well here in CA anyway! Another scorcher in store for today!

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by auggy » Oct 2nd, '08, 10:24

Morning all.

Tea wins for me as well. By volume, I do drink more water, but I don't enjoy drinking water. Not that I dislike drinking water, but rather it is more of a biological imperative that I drink water whereas I like and enjoy drinking tea. Though sometimes a good milkshake really hits the spot.

I really don't want to work today, but sadly must learn about air conditioning compressor warranties, etc and hunt down some tile that no one sells anymore. I thought an office manager job had paperwork. Why have my last two weeks revolved around engineering and maintenance issues? I don't think they realize that they are giving all this stuff to a person who rarely even fills her own car up with gas. And now you want me to argue with the AC repair guy that it's not the compressor going out but some sort of valve that does something or other? And lecturing me for 45 minutes on the inner workings of an air conditioner does not suddenly make me knowledgeable to fix it myself, you know, regardless of what you think. :roll:

Sigh. Almond tea this morning and some iced TKY for later. Tea will be the high point of my day, I'm sure.

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by chad » Oct 2nd, '08, 10:30

Looks like I'm with the crowd.

I drink lots of water throughout the day. I have pretty much substituted tea for coffee other than one cup to start the day.

I love beer, but have pretty much given it up since being diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago...still love a cold one now and then.

Tea has become my go-to drink at work. I probably drink 6-8 cups during the day.

Oh yeah, I'm still in my darjeeling phase, so darjeeling in the mug as I get ready to login to the phone que! :D

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by olivierco » Oct 2nd, '08, 11:08

Although I like very much hot chocolate, if I had to chose I would chose tea without any hesitation. I drink both everyday.

This morning Keemun with my breakfast.

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by cajunwowi » Oct 2nd, '08, 11:43

Although water wins with quantity, tea will always get my vote on QUALITY!!!

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by Victoria » Oct 2nd, '08, 11:47

auggy wrote:
I really don't want to work today, but sadly must learn about air conditioning compressor warranties, etc and hunt down some tile that no one sells anymore. I thought an office manager job had paperwork. Why have my last two weeks revolved around engineering and maintenance issues? I don't think they realize that they are giving all this stuff to a person who rarely even fills her own car up with gas. And now you want me to argue with the AC repair guy that it's not the compressor going out but some sort of valve that does something or other? And lecturing me for 45 minutes on the inner workings of an air conditioner does not suddenly make me knowledgeable to fix it myself, you know, regardless of what you think. :roll:
Well auggy if it's any comfort you are not alone. I am office manager too and therefore by default the building and maintenance manager. Handling stuff like back flow checks, air conditioning problems, elevator inspections and fire and work code compliance, and occasionally emptying the trash if needed. Other duties as assigned - takes on a whole new meaning when you are the only one doing everything. Oh and then there is my regular workload.

I need more TEA!!

In my cup at work this morning trying to finish up some samples that have been hanging around - this one - Tung Ting from Tevana. I brewed it up a little stronger than usual to compensate for age - It's not too bad actually.

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by Cinnamon Kitty » Oct 2nd, '08, 12:04

Tea definitely reigns supreme. Close behind are a nice glass of wine and apple cider that is fresh from a local orchard.

Today is starting with a Chinese green tea from Enjoying Tea. Hopefully the shorter infusion will make it more palatable.

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by xine » Oct 2nd, '08, 12:20

Tea is pretty much up there... I can't really think of anything else I drink that is better. Other than a good gin-cocktail, fresh lemonade, or a good red wine.

Having ali-shan as usual. It's getting chilly! Can't wait for fall to come in full swing.

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by geeber1 » Oct 2nd, '08, 12:35

Wow, was today's poll question a loaded one or what?

Salsero, I love your photos every day, but especially like the contrasting textures in today's pic.

Auggy ... I'm sending you major sympathy vibes! Just one more day until Friday!

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by chamekke » Oct 2nd, '08, 12:49

Smari wrote:This morning, brewed up some of Adagio's Jasmine #12. I just love the smell of Jasmine; as it brings back memories of my childhood when my father used to brew up his Jasmine tea from the yellow tin that is still in most Asian households today. I miss those moments...
Smari, what a delightful recollection. Actually, that's one of the things I love about tea. It calls up lovely memories in a way that wine and other drinks just can't.

And although I'm quite fond of the occasional alcoholic beverage (esp. ice wine), tea is still my favourite.

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cosy, doesn't try it on."
- Billy Connolly

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by leiche » Oct 2nd, '08, 12:54

Tea for me, bitte. I'm usually cold, so tea, besides being delicious, helps to warm me up.

Must go brew up some Wuyi Amber now.

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by Victoria » Oct 2nd, '08, 13:17

leiche wrote:Tea for me, bitte. I'm usually cold, so tea, besides being delicious, helps to warm me up.

Must go brew up some Wuyi Amber now.
Heh, me too. Sometimes due to the "hang meat" setting on the work air conditioner, it's colder in here in the summer than the winter.

Switching now to some Sweet Flower Oolong from Tea Source.
