Monday TeaDay 7/28/08 All time favorite brewing vessel?

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What is your all time favorite brewing vessel/device?

Kyusu or Hohin
Gimme my mug and an infuser
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ingenuiTEA or similar modern device
Classic English style China or Silver
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Simple ceramic pot
Electric device for brewing
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Chawan, though not really for brewing
Total votes: 54

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Jul 28th, '08, 21:35
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by Salsero » Jul 28th, '08, 21:35

Chip wrote: ...nastinesss...
Elaborate? I have considered this nefarious act, but so far have resisted.

augie wrote: I haven't had green since my pot broke.
Is this some sort of sick joke? It can't be true. It just can't.
augie wrote: and shared a cup with my kid.
Ah, so shweeet!

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by Chip » Jul 28th, '08, 22:00

Salsero wrote:
Chip wrote: ...nastinesss...
Elaborate? I have considered this nefarious act, but so far have resisted.
Unglazed Tokoname does absorb odors and tastes. Plus it had coatings of "tea goodness" of which I cannot disclose in a public forum. This was 3-4, maybe 5 years of constant use. Green, Oolong, Black...and of every imaginable kind of each...the kyusu had a major identity existential meltdown.

If I would have dedicated it to one type of tea...that would have been different. Interestingly, anything I brew in it today would have an added sweetness.

Now, I just can't bring myself to brew anything but Japanese greens in one....not even houjicha...not even a fully glazed one. It is just me and a knee jerk reaction.

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by Katrina » Jul 28th, '08, 22:11

Salsero wrote:
CynTEAa wrote: Is it a type of allium?
It used to be included in the Haemanthus genus but taxonomists now place it in the Scadoxus genus with only 9 other species, all natives of Africa. Rumors of its involvement with the Allium genus are grossly exaggerated. This is how malicious gossip starts!

They are in the amaryllis family, Amaryllidaceae. They are also supposed to be poisonous, so onion breath is likely to be -- at worst -- a short-lived problem.
I stand corrected. Thanks for the info. My mother-in-law were discussing this very plant a few weeks ago and didn't come to resolution. Now I can share this answer with her.
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by Space Samurai » Jul 29th, '08, 00:40

Still a kyusu guy.

In me cup: I had to play catch up tongiht. Started with some matcha from hibiki that came with a bout of mild halucinations. Now I'm drinking the next to last of my shincha.

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by Chip » Jul 29th, '08, 00:54

Space Samurai wrote:Still a kyusu guy.

In me cup: I had to play catch up tongiht. Started with some matcha from hibiki that came with a bout of mild halucinations. Now I'm drinking the next to last of my shincha.
Tell us more. :lol:

Besides going back to the AliShan from earlier, I had Super Sencha Premium. This is not cheap stuff. I truthfully ordered this shincha accidentally, then figured why not?

What I am discovering, sometimes higher priced sencha/shincha is not always much better than that costing half as much. This is very good, but i enjoy the Premium at a fraction the price just about as I would save a lot of "green" to buy more next round.
blah blah blah SENCHA blah blah blah!!!

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by Space Samurai » Jul 29th, '08, 01:04

Oh, they're never as much fun when you write them down. Just had a little too much zen for one day I guess.

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by olivierco » Jul 29th, '08, 02:40

Grubby wrote:I have a question for those who voted Kyusu:
What kind of teas do you brew in your kyusu? Only japanese greens or what?
(This is not a criticism of your vote in any way, i am just curious)
I brew quite everything in porcelain kyuusu but I use my tokoname kyuusu only for sencha.

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by Space Samurai » Jul 29th, '08, 02:49

Grubby wrote:I have a question for those who voted Kyusu:
What kind of teas do you brew in your kyusu? Only japanese greens or what?
(This is not a criticism of your vote in any way, i am just curious)
I have a Tokoname Kyusus for just about everything, black, oolong, white, green. I used to have one for Chinese green and another for puerh, but both those pots have found their way to someone else.

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by henley » Jul 29th, '08, 08:20

Too tired to post last night but finished the day w/Adagio's White Peach. Hubby had Organic Monk's Blend. And now for a little his & hers:

Off to make bfast!

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by CynTEAa » Jul 29th, '08, 08:34

Salsero wrote:
CynTEAa wrote: Is it a type of allium?
It used to be included in the Haemanthus genus but taxonomists now place it in the Scadoxus genus with only 9 other species, all natives of Africa. Rumors of its involvement with the Allium genus are grossly exaggerated. This is how malicious gossip starts!

They are in the amaryllis family, Amaryllidaceae. They are also supposed to be poisonous, so onion breath is likely to be -- at worst -- a short-lived problem.
Hehe...sounds like a clue from a mystery. "She's dead but smells of onions..."

Thanks, Sal! And thanks for the poisonous info. Will keep them out of my (future) garden for the doggie's sake. Anyway, it's another gorgeous pic! Kudos!

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by Riene » Jul 29th, '08, 10:37

CynTEAa wrote:Have heard good things about TeaSmith and know they are quite particular about their teas and wares. Let us know your experience when you return!

Does 'Himself' have some indulgences you can use to justify your purchase? Such as, "Hey did you really need that pair of cleats for running around the yard?" :twisted:
Hmm, he did buy a new putter last week...and some new racquetballs...

Am glad to hear about TeaSmith! I think I shall try some Pu-Ehr, if they have tea by the cup. I also want to look at their oolongs.
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by Zodduska » Jul 29th, '08, 11:03

A rather late thank you for all the nice comments about my Gaiwan. :) :oops:
