Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

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Speaking of your Tea, what percentage of your open tea (non samples) would would you say you are actively drinking? Why these and not the others? Please share.

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Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by Chip » Mar 9th, '11, 01:57

Greetings TeaChatters far and wide! Please stop in here and share what is in your cup throughout the day.

Yesterday we discussed whether we had more TEA or TeaCups. You can still vote and discuss yesterday's topic.

Today's TeaPoll and discussion topic. Speaking of your Tea, what percentage of your open tea (non samples) would would you say you are actively drinking? Why these and not the others? Please share.

I am looking forward to sharing this TeaDay with everyone. Bottoms up.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by IPT » Mar 9th, '11, 03:22

I have a number of special teas that I don't drink regularly, but have opened. They are Puer and Hei Cha's, so I estimate about 80% I am actively drinking, but that's just a guess.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by Trey Winston » Mar 9th, '11, 03:27

I'm actively drinking all of them.

Actively sipping a White Peony today.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by David R. » Mar 9th, '11, 05:13

I said 50%. I don't drink that much green stuff so I have a lot of wulong and puerh "open."

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by Herb_Master » Mar 9th, '11, 06:04

Lots of Oolongs (Dan Congs and Wuyi's) open and a few Shengs.

I can't drink them all at once :)

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by karmaplace » Mar 9th, '11, 07:05

I have a bunch of teas that I'm not as interested in as I used to be, and I have a lot of samples, so, I said 50%, but maybe even less. :lol:

I need to use up a lot of my old teas! I'm also sad to find out that some of my favorite teas (from different places) have both been discontinued. I've yet to find any good (or reasonably priced) replacements.

Decent TeaDay today: started off with green chai (the last of the last, it's discontinued) and have been drinking kheemun at work.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by AdamMY » Mar 9th, '11, 09:58

Well ignoring puerh, I would say I am at roughly 90% there are a few teas that are open that I do not touch all that often. If we count in puerh it probably drops to 50% or less, but I don't count puerh because the idea of open is a bit more vague, and if you count it as having opened the wrapper, then I have opened nearly all my cakes to at least give them a taste.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by tortoise » Mar 9th, '11, 10:11

Oh, I'm probably actively quaffing 70-80 percent of my tea.

The rest is just inevitable build up of teas I rolled the dice on and came up snake eyes.

This morning I started with H&S kagoshima sencha and now I'm drinking the mystery roasted tea which tastes better steeping a minute or more with high volume of leaf.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by artmom » Mar 9th, '11, 11:28

Probably 50% . The ones I drink most often are those that I have learned to brew correctly for temperature, time, amount, etc. without having to resort to weighing, testing temperature of water, etc. Lazy, I am. :lol: Some I like only in the afternoon, or on special occasions.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by Nenugal » Mar 9th, '11, 11:43

I guess around 80 % is actively being drunk. Drinking some dancong from TeaSpring today. And Matcha of course. And YMLE from o-cha.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by greentam » Mar 9th, '11, 12:06

I have one or two small boxes of lingering bagged tea that I just cannot stand! I'm trying to find uses for them, as I don't like feeling like I've wasted my money.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by Elovitz » Mar 9th, '11, 12:56

80%, I just cleaned out most of my old stash from a year back. I'm trying to keep good habits and drink everything open on a regular basis instead of letting it sit and spoil.

Ceylon to wake me up and then some matcha for the day.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by tortoise » Mar 9th, '11, 14:06

feng huang 2007 dancong from Hou De. The jury has been out for quite some time on this one. Can't make up my mind.

Mar 9th, '11, 14:56

Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by brlarson » Mar 9th, '11, 14:56

It depends how you count:
Percentage of unique teas open? 15 1/2%
Percentage of volume in open pkgs: 11 1/2%

I have three each open of Japanese greens and Chinese greens and 5 open Chinese oolong. I'm not including sheng pu.

Maiko kotobuki for breakfast today and O-Cha's Kirameki with lunch.

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Re: Wednesday TeaDay 3/9/11 ActiviTea?

by Chip » Mar 9th, '11, 16:25

Thank you David and H_M for coloring our TD!

I would say virtually 100% of teas I have purchased, that are not samples, and are open are also active. It is rare for me to buy a tea, open and then not use pretty soon. So, they are all actively being used. If I purchased pu-erh, that would change this dramatically, but all pu-erh is currently samples and therefore not included.

Perhaps this comes with a learning curve?

Began the TD with Fuji the Ultimate for Zencha with the Mrs.

NEXT! :arrow:
