Jan 20th, '06, 12:52
Posts: 2
Joined: Nov 10th, '05, 12:06
Location: Tel-Aviv, Israel

A Question Re Porcelain Pots

by Aeyal » Jan 20th, '06, 12:52

Hi, I have a great porcelan pot (French style). I used to use it for all kind of teas - it was our first serious teapot. Then we got some Yixing for oolong, cast iron we use for green teas, and decided this one will be used for black teas. It did have a lot of odour inside, we used it for a long time many times and always cleaned it only with hot water. We wanted to refresh it from this odour and prepare it for its new use as a black tea only teapot. I read in a reliable source that you can get rid of odour by putting some lemon wedges in the teapot and then adding boiling water and steeping it for 24 hours. We did so. The tea odour went but since then the teas we make in it have a lemony taste in the finish! I tried to get rid of it but with no success, by washing and re washing with boiling water, by steeping black tea in the pot for a long while, or just leaving the pot with the lid off. But still to no success. Any tips?

Jan 20th, '06, 15:30
Posts: 99
Joined: Jan 14th, '06, 08:52
Location: OH

by garden gal » Jan 20th, '06, 15:30

Baking soda alone or with a smidge of real vanilla

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