Lupicia Melon Oolong

These teas can resemble virtually any flavor imaginable.

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Jan 27th, '09, 06:16
Posts: 553
Joined: Oct 14th, '08, 03:54
Location: Cinnamon King of San Diego, Ca
Contact: Vulture

Lupicia Melon Oolong

by Vulture » Jan 27th, '09, 06:16

So on the LA trip I picked up a few flavored teas at Lupicia. Here is a short review of their Melon Oolong:

At first I was suspicious of the tea. It was a balled oolong which usualy needs a good rinse before opening up the tea to work. Being a flavored tea, I was afraid of it loosing its flavor during the rinse. I instead drank the rinse in this case and had a nice cup of what amounted to hot melon juice. The second steep started to give more of an oolong flavor. Surprisingly the flavoring was still there at the 4th steep. While the oolong slowly started taking dominance, the flavoring kept the tea unique and refreshing. I am thinking this might turn to be a good iced tea as well. Overall I am surprised and would suggest other flavor tea enthusiasts to try it.