Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

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If you had unlimited funds, would the teas you drink change? A lot, a little, hardly at all, not really, nope? Please share what changes you would make!

A lot
A little
Hardly at all
Not really
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Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by Chip » Jul 12th, '10, 10:14

Good morning Tea Peeps! It is a new TeaDay! Rejoice and drink tea and share what is in your cup with us throughout the day.

This weekend we discussed "things" about us. You can still vote and discuss the weekend's topic.

TeaDay is late again today since I lost internet last evening. So, sorry for being late! :mrgreen:

Today's teaPoll and discussion topic. If you had unlimited funds, would the teas you drink change? A lot, a little, hardly at all, not really, nope? Please share what changes you would make!

I am looking forward to sharing this TeaDay with everyone. Bottoms up!

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by Victoria » Jul 12th, '10, 10:37

No Not really. I am fortunate to have discretionary cash for tor tea, so I pretty much buy what I want. Even if I had unlimited funds, I would probably not change my buying habits.

Although I might buy more just to share with my tea friends. I guess I'd enjoy that more than buying for myself.

I'm having a very nice Himalayan Oolong this morning
from SpecialTeas.

Have a nice day everyone!

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by AdamMY » Jul 12th, '10, 10:40

Reading this as somehow I could get all my tea for free, or there was some basically endless fund that would only buy tea for me, would I be drinking different teas?

Well since I can not use the money for other stuff, I would probably be drinking a lot more Tea Gallery, Tea Habitat, and Mandarins tea room tea's, and definitely have a much larger supply of High end well aged Puerh tea.

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by debunix » Jul 12th, '10, 10:55

One possible change: I would buy a bunch of some top-quality aged puerhs to see if I really liked them that much better than the pus I am drinking now.

If I did, I'd buy more of those. If I didn't, not much change.

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by geeber1 » Jul 12th, '10, 11:32

Yes, I would buy more of the teas that I have been wanting to try but haven't had the funds for.

Brewed up some Tao of Tea Mao Feng Noir this morning, then got busy and left it sitting on the counter, undrunk. (undrank?) Boo Hoo. :cry:

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by Skippyandjif » Jul 12th, '10, 11:49

I just had to pinch myself to keep from going off on an extended daydream about all the cool teas I'd buy... :lol: I wouldn't change a lot of the teas I've already bought, but I would definitely expand my selection. I'd get some really high-quality aged pu-erh, as well as some of the (probably not top-quality, unfortunately) flower-scented pu that I've seen-- I want to try rose! Also, I'd get some yellow tea and a lot more Japanese greens, namely gyokuro and sakura sencha. Oh, I'd also branch out a little more with white teas-- I've wanted to try white tea with rose petals for ages-- and increase my stock of herbs for making tisanes.

I'm not even going to start on what tea paraphernalia I'd buy! :lol:

This morning's first tea (because past midnight is technically morning, right? 8) ) was a rosemary tisane, and the tea I had this morning after I woke up was keemun.

Jul 12th, '10, 11:51

Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by brlarson » Jul 12th, '10, 11:51

Yes, my tea habits would change a bit. I would raise the baseline quality of my leaf, but the top quality that I drink wouldn't change.

Hou de's Rou Gui is my breakfast tea today.

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by iannon » Jul 12th, '10, 12:03

probably a bit..more high quality Gyo's ( like Yamashita's Top line) and higher end Matchas and hand rolled Temomicha

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by ladybean » Jul 12th, '10, 12:11

I chose 'a little'. I probably wouldn't change what types of teas I drink, but I might buy more, or more often.

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by artmom » Jul 12th, '10, 12:13

If I had unlimited TeaFunds, I'd just keep buying samples until I had tried all the TEAS in the world! My DH thinks I'm doing that already! :lol:

When GD Alex was over the other evening, her mom called and DH told her we were in the TeaLaboratory! :wink:

No tea yet today; but about to make LT Hattialli Golden Lion. Yummy assam.

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by Alucard » Jul 12th, '10, 12:33

The teas I drink would most likely stay the same but I would certainly like to try these from others vendors.

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by dooble » Jul 12th, '10, 13:04

Of course it would change. I would buy a lot of the 'high quality' teas I can't afford now. As a student my funds run out fast.

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by entropyembrace » Jul 12th, '10, 13:07

the teas I´d buy wouldn´t change a lot but I´d buy more teas since I woudln´t have to make decisions like do I buy the 2nd flush darjeelings or the wuyi yanchas this month?

also since my teaware and tea budgets are one in the same...I would buy lots of pretty teaware :D

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by Geekgirl » Jul 12th, '10, 13:07

A little. I'd probably buy special seasonal offerings a little more frequently, and I'd try a few vendors that have high quality teas, but who price them beyond my cost/comfort zone. Maybe. I'm pretty cheap. :lol: 8)

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Re: Monday TeaDay 7/12 Unlimited TeaFunds?

by leiche2 » Jul 12th, '10, 14:22

Things would change a bit, sure. I'd raise the quality of what I do buy a touch, try things I always want to but can't afford, and all that.

Since I'm drinking down my tea stash before I move in a few weeks, and am thus low on blacks, I'm actually having an Irish Breakfast blend from Trader Joe's. Bagged! It's a good enough caffeine and non-water-flavor delivery agent for now.
