Sep 21st, '15, 22:30
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Best place to order quality Yixing pot at decent pricing?

by Ashleaf » Sep 21st, '15, 22:30

Hey guys!
I really want to brew in a Yixing pot! I can't seem to choose one because i can't tell what is quality and what is not and i want to make the right decision! I currently have a Cast Iron that i love but i tend to brew just a cup at a time in a regular infuser. Any suggestions?

Sep 22nd, '15, 00:56
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Re: Best place to order quality Yixing pot at decent pricing?

by LouPepe » Sep 22nd, '15, 00:56

I was in your same shoes about two years ago when I first got into yixing, and teaware in general. I made about 3 or 4 "mistake" purchases before actually getting a nice pot (for a westerners standards).

Since then I've about completed my yixing collection, which they all get used for brewing. About a total of 9 pots. And 6 of those pots came from Essence of Tea and JingTeaShop combined. You may pay a little premium than some other online vendors but the quality is pretty much guaranteed. Others to look into:

TheChineseTeaShop (i would steer clear of a few but most seem good)
White2Tea (not a lot of yixing goes through the vendor but I just received a pot and it's dandy :) )

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Sep 22nd, '15, 01:19
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Re: Best place to order quality Yixing pot at decent pricing?

by tingjunkie » Sep 22nd, '15, 01:19

What's your budget?

For entry level, this thread is still on the front page, you only had to scroll down a bit.

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