MengHai 7542 or Old Banzhang

One of the intentionally aged teas, Pu-Erh has a loyal following.

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May 12th, '09, 11:20
Posts: 56
Joined: May 8th, '09, 06:21
Location: Malaysia

by pgho » May 12th, '09, 11:20

The 7542 formula is a very famous formula. Many past productions had gained much fame and recognition. It is therefore not surprise that many tea factories tried to re-produce that formula, some even sell their 7542 cakes at much higher prices than Dayi/Menghai eg Xizihao's. Ms Guo of Mengyang was a ex-"teamaster" (borrowing the term from the other thread) in the Menghai Tea Factory, I think it was during the period where many the Menghai neifei's carried the Dai characters at the lower corner, so not surprise that she also tried to re-introduce her take on the formula.

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