Tie Luo Han :: Yan Cha - Drinking Temperature

Owes its flavors to oxidation levels between green & black tea.

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Re: Tie Luo Han :: Yan Cha - Drinking Temperature

by Oni » Sep 3rd, '10, 02:48

I bought some cups that have a clay outer layer and a porcelain inner layer, I specially bought them to maximize the heat of my tea, and the results were contrary to my expectations, the thin porcelan cup gave better results, so I do not use it anymore, the next thing I need to try are those sniffing cups.

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Re: Tie Luo Han :: Yan Cha - Drinking Temperature

by edkrueger » Oct 24th, '10, 10:28

Sniffing cups are interesting, I used them for a while. They work best with gaoshan oolong which to some extent are probably made to be used with sniffing cups. Some times other good teas don't smell so great in the sniffing cups.

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Re: Tie Luo Han :: Yan Cha - Drinking Temperature

by brad4419 » Oct 26th, '10, 13:09

Very interesting topic here. I have noticed that when drinking yanchas, most notibly tie luo han or DHP the taste does change depending on temperature upon drinking. I always find the cooled tea to be thicker and sweeter like syrup.
Im going to try an experiment tonight :idea:

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Re: Tie Luo Han :: Yan Cha - Drinking Temperature

by Herb_Master » Oct 26th, '10, 14:40

I would be interested in the reults of your experiment :)

Since my original post, I have noticed that it does not happen so obviously with some of my other TLH teas. yet it does happen in a lesser way with some other yanchas.

I wonder if either trhe level of oxidisation or level of roasting has anything to do with it?

Are TLH and DHP more often than not given a different combined level of oxidisation and roasting that other varietals don't usually receive?

Some cheaper Shui Xian do it to a small extent, but high fired, aged and re-roasted SX are as thin as ever when cool.

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Re: Tie Luo Han :: Yan Cha - Drinking Temperature

by Herb_Master » Nov 6th, '10, 19:19

Drinking hot tonight :P

Gorgeous TLH from JingYu Tong, Penang

A tin double lidded canister that I had filled with TLH from a cavernous mega tin canister in the shop. [and labelled in the shop lest I forget :oops: ]Medium autumnal body and pleasant roasting notes, but layers of flavours intermingling.

After each swallow, brushing both the inside and outside of my lips with the tip of my tongue detects a silky texture and seems to release some floral notes.

Enjoying so much it may not get a chance to cool down tonight. :D

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