Grouping custom blends?
Okay, so I have another question. I noticed that there is a groups tab in the custom blends where teas are listed by group. How do you group your custom blends together? I have three blends I would love to group together since they are kind of variations on the same theme.
Re: Grouping custom blends?
Good Question!
I created a few series, too, and when I asked the Powers That Be, they advised that each tea in the series would have to actually be purchased before they would take the time/effort into officially "grouping" them for you - so there's not anything that you have to do specifically to set it up, except go out and buy your teas, then I guess send the adagio customer support to set it up for you.
I created a few series, too, and when I asked the Powers That Be, they advised that each tea in the series would have to actually be purchased before they would take the time/effort into officially "grouping" them for you - so there's not anything that you have to do specifically to set it up, except go out and buy your teas, then I guess send the adagio customer support to set it up for you.

Re: Grouping custom blends?
Thanks! I've purchased all but one of them - I just created it and will probably purchase it in a couple of weeks. Maybe I'll look into it after that.
Re: Grouping custom blends?
Yeah people have to purchase it and just sometimes they will group it if there is enough of them. BTW,Only a few of us have official groups. Like my Tru Blood Series but really you just got to let everyone know about your teas and not leave it to chance.
Re: Grouping custom blends?
My Twilight blends were put into a group by staff, not by my request. But, I was pleased to see them grouped. Of course, now there a bunch of other Twilight blends made by other people listed in the same group... so its not really "my" group, its just mine and a bunch of copy-cats.
I've got a couple of teas which have been VERY good sellers (one has now sold 285 units), have nice labels, and have really good ratings from reviewers, but have never been listed as "feature blends" as far as I know... but they seem to sell well enough without any added publicity, so I can't complain. On the other hand, Zack has reviewed some of my more obscure blends which was much appreciated, especially since it was unsolicited and a total surprise!

I've got a couple of teas which have been VERY good sellers (one has now sold 285 units), have nice labels, and have really good ratings from reviewers, but have never been listed as "feature blends" as far as I know... but they seem to sell well enough without any added publicity, so I can't complain. On the other hand, Zack has reviewed some of my more obscure blends which was much appreciated, especially since it was unsolicited and a total surprise!
Oct 23rd, '10, 23:31
Posts: 475
Joined: May 20th, '05, 16:14
Location: New York, NY
Re: Grouping custom blends?
Please let me know what teas you would like grouped. If I happen to see a theme I create a group for them. Perhaps I missed your series.