Well, I mentioned making a series a while back, basing blends on a few of the more popular lotion/body fragrances - ideally for gifting; it's been through a few revisions by now, but overall I'm pretty well chuffed with it! I think there's a nice combination of teas - a few fruity blends, a few desserty, and a few lighter options...something that should work for everyone! I've also just gone through and revamped labels, and altered the few that had been rendered obsolete by Adagio. (Rum is no longer a blendable tea! *sadface*)
Take a look, take a sip, let me know what you think!
The Signature Series: (see what I did there lol)
Coconut Lime
Cucumber Melon
Japanese Cherry
Midnight Pom
Orange Sapphire
Rainkissed Leaves
Vanilla Noir
Re: Blends and Holiday Gifting
Hey thanks! Noir is one I haven't gotten to actually buying myself yet officially, just testing out/etc, so if you pick it up definitely leave feedback or let me know how it turned out!