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Important Guidelines for users of "TeawareArtisans"

by Chip » May 6th 09 8:33 pm

10 simple but necessary rules. First of all, the good news, the General Forum rules have been relaxed for this subforum only. This is due to the nature of the intended use of the TeawareArtisans forum. Any questions may be directed to the forum Moderators.

TeawareArtisans Guidelines are below, however, the General Forum Rules apply everywhere else on TeaChat. They are located HERE!

1. This subforum is intended for artisan, craftsmen, hobbyists (herein referred to as craftsmen) who produce teaware and would like to share it with members of this forum as well as discuss their work with members.

2. Interested teaware craftsmen must first join TeaChat and then request a topic by contacting me, your friendly Moderator. You may use your name or a ficticious name for your forum "user name" however do not use a business name!!! If you choose an avatar, it should not include company logo nor company title.

3. Once a member, teaware craftsmen may create their one and only TeawareArtisan subforum topic. The topic should be named so members can easily recognize the author of the topic.

4. This subforum is intended for the use of artisans, craftsmen, hobbyists of teaware who are physically involved in the design AND production of teaware. This is not intended for manufacturers/factories/large companies/distributors! This will be strictly enforced. Exceptions to this rule may be made solely at the discretion and invitation of the Moderator of this Subforum.

5. Teaware craftsmen may post information about their teaware they create, post photos, post links to their site (but not a distributor's). However, please do NOT post prices directly on TeawareArtisans. Linked pages may certainly include prices! If a member expresses interest in purchasing, PLEASE ask them to PM or email you directly. First contact with members shall not be made by the craftsmen.
(Self promoting links and posts are not permitted in the general forum.)

6. Updating your topic is strongly encouraged, and we hope you will visit TeaChat and TeawareArtisans regularly, posting current information and photos. This will also keep your topic close to the top of this subforum!

7. Members of TeaChat are encouraged to engage in discussion with the craftsmen by posting in their topics!!! This is also part of the TeaChat forum and interaction is what we do best. If a member is interested in purchasing an item from a craftsman, PLEASE contact him or her through PM or email. However, you are purvhasing at your own risk, TeaChat and Adagio are not responsible for transactions gone bad, however you may report such occurrences to a Moderator.

8. Posts or private messages that attack or harass other members or moderators are not permitted.

9. Posts that contain offensive language, inappropriate sexual content, political or religious content/opinions, or condone illegal activities are not permitted and will be removed. Posting any portrayal of human nudity in the form of photos or links will be dealt with strongly and swiftly.

Your topic and the forum in general is not a personal soapbox. It is recommended that this type of subject matter be discussed in other venues besides TeaChat since this is not the place to debate politics, religion, etc.

This is not censorship. It is simply preventing flame wars, maintaining the peace on this forum, a place where members' polical and religious beliefs are placed on a backburner as we discuss tea related topics for the most part.

10. Violating these guidelines may result in the complete loss of TeawareArtisan subforum privileges and/or TeaChat forum privileges.

We are looking forward to your active particpation on TeaChat,
Immoderate TeaDrinker who happens to Moderate

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Re: Important Guidelines for users of "TeawareArtisans"

by Chip » Jan 15th 12 11:47 pm

For clarity sake.

11. Members granted a TeawareArtisan topic shall not post items for sale elsewhere on the forum. TAs are given a topic under TeawareArtisans for this purpose.

Therefore posting of items for sale elsewhere on TeaChat by a TA shall be deleted without notification.

This is congruent with the general forum's rules on this matter.

Thank you for understanding and complying. The last thing I want to do is delete member's posts!

Immoderate TeaDrinker who happens to Moderate