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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by kymidwife » Feb 13th, '12, 01:45

Tomorrow tomorrow, I'm getting mine tomorrow... got that little yellow card in mailbox from post office saying I have a package from Japan waiting for pick-up. Yayyyyy tomorrow... oh wait, today!!! It's 12:45am. :lol:

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by Drax » Feb 15th, '12, 19:10

I've really been enjoying these oribe cups -- the variations in feel, color... wow.

But I do admit I'm having difficulty in getting good pictures to share, which is why I have posted nothing so far. I don't usually get good lighting in my place. I guess I'll keep trying.

Meanwhile, I've been re-visiting the teas from OTTI #11, and the variety of Japanese green teas have been really nice to enjoy in this beauty of a green cup.

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by Chip » Feb 16th, '12, 00:02

Thanks for the thank yous! :mrgreen:

I am so glad to see these Oribe are being so well received. They really are friggin' amazing! I was so excited at how well these turned out especially given "this was never done this way before," which is the mantra of the Hagi SO program.

The photos I have taken each fail to capture all the amazing elements. I will try some more isolated shots ... maybe ... or just concede to the greatness of the innovator Yamane Seigan. I am so glad we are able to connect with him and bring new and different perspectives to the Hagi Tradition together.

I have reached for this cup over and over each and every day since receiving it.

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by debunix » Feb 16th, '12, 10:57

I am really enjoying the richness of the deep green glaze, the silky feel of it, the wonderful edges between the different glazes, and how nice it looks with tea in tea and light oolongs so far. One real surprise is how balanced mine feels with the heavy foot (I have one of the notched foot versions), and how I find my little finger hooking under the notch foot for better balance--and extra insulation against some very hot tea!

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by hopeofdawn » Feb 16th, '12, 11:20

After much nail-biting, I finally liberated my package from the clutches of the post office yesterday! I took it home, only to have a minor heart attack at the sight of this:


Still, I had faith in Mago's teaware-packing abilities, and I was not disappointed--foam peanuts and bubble wrap saved the day! The puncture had gone completely through the outer box, but there wasn't even a scratch on the beautiful tie box (my first ever):



I must confess, I think I took as many pictures of the box as I did of the cup. Though the box was much easier to capture--darn gray Seattle skies! The cup, however is gorgeous ... velvety smooth to the touch, with tons of little tiny bubbles on the white interior. I was lucky enough to get my first pick, and I love the dramatic contrast of white over blue-green that cascades over the lip. The combination of colors is so intricate, every time I look at it, I see something new!



And the drippies on mine aren't quite as dramatic as some, but they have a lovely feel, especially in contrast to the rough clay of the foot.


Hopefully I'll be able to take pictures with better lighting soon, but I was so happy to see this, I just had to share ... Thank you again, Chip--this is going up with the Rock as one of my prize possessions! :D

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by Drax » Feb 16th, '12, 12:08

hopeofdawn wrote:And the drippies on mine aren't quite as dramatic as some, but they have a lovely feel, especially in contrast to the rough clay of the foot.
Great pictures, thanks for sharing! And thank goodness for Mago's super packing job :D

While I'm drinking my tea, I enjoy running my fingers along the bottom -- the contrast of the smooth and rough, and with the bumps from the drips.... very neat textures!

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by Chip » Feb 16th, '12, 13:46

Thanks for sharing your excitement with us hopeofdawn. Thanks everyone for sharing your photos.

Yes Drax, love the feel of this Hagi ... it has a lot going on visually and texturally!

Rainy day here, so not likely a good photo opp day.

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by hopeofdawn » Feb 27th, '12, 11:40

Had a brief moment of sunshine here in Seattle yesterday--so since I had Sou-shun out for tea anyway, I tried to make the most of it. :)


I'm finding I really like the contrast with the copper chataku, as well--also obtained courtesy of Ambrose and our teaswap forum. :D

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by Chip » Feb 27th, '12, 12:03

... ah, I saw this chataku in another photo a little while ago and liked it! I was tempted by that swap and regret the missed opp. :twisted:

But it looks lovely and happy holding your Sou-shun!

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by hopeofdawn » Feb 28th, '12, 11:02

Thanks, Chip! They are the only chataku I've owned thus far, and they definitely get quite a bit of use. :D

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by David R. » Feb 29th, '12, 10:52

Dripping... :)
01.JPG (14.44 KiB) Viewed 5824 times

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by Chip » Feb 29th, '12, 11:17

David, did you receive your package already or was this photo taken while visiting Japan?

That is quite a drip!!! :mrgreen:

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Re: PHASE 2 HAGI SO 17 Oribe SOU-SHUN “Comes the Spring”

by David R. » Feb 29th, '12, 13:11

Actually I received the package last friday, the day after my return home. Nice timing ! :)

I'll have more to share once I organize my photos a bit.

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