Adding Rose Petals to Tea

These teas can resemble virtually any flavor imaginable.

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Jul 13th 12 8:43 pm
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Adding Rose Petals to Tea

by AlexZorach » Jul 13th 12 8:43 pm

I love rose-flavored or rose-scented teas, whether black teas or green teas. I particularly like the rose aroma because it is bold and sharp, and able to hold its own even against powerful base teas. I find it hard to find good rose-flavored teas though.

Recently I started blending rose petals in with tea. I've had good luck buying rose petals in bulk in Mexican stores, but I recently sampled the rose petals from Shanti Tea and they were very good.

I find that mixing loose rose petals with loose-leaf tea produces much better results than most pre-blended rose teas.

Has anyone else tried this on their own? If not, I would highly recommend it, if you like the rose aroma and want to enjoy it with tea. I especially like rose with strong black base teas, and the edgier Chinese pan-fired green teas.