Tao of TeaSwap, please read BEFORE posting

Tea or pot doesn't float your boat? Find it a new home here.

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Tao of TeaSwap, please read BEFORE posting

by Chip » Jan 26th 09 3:04 pm

Welcome to TeaSwap, the tea and teaware exchange forum where the rules are simple and the rewards are rich.

Every tea drinker has tea clutter. You know, the teas you've bought but just don't like, or the tea pots and tea cups that have gone ignored in favor of others. If the teas are still fresh and the wares in good condition, pass them on to others! Just take care to keep to the following guidelines:
  • All swappers should have at least 60 days of TeaChat membership and 5 "quality" posts to be eligible to swap. If a user wants to swap but doesn't have the requisite time under their belt, he or she should contact a moderator to ask for an endorsement. If a poster does not have the requisite membership time and posts without a moderator's endorsement, please do not engage in any transaction with them. Any topics posted in violation of this rule will be removed without prior notification.

    In starting a new thread read these guidelines fully, FIRST. Then, please title it with either "OFFER" or "WANTED" as appropriate. For instance, if you are looking to pass on a near 4 oz tin of Yunnan Gold, a good title might be "OFFER: 4 oz Yunnan Gold." If you are in search of a bigger tetsubin, a nice title might be "WANTED: Large Tetsubin."

    Include actual photos of all items to be "swapped," preferably taken by you (versus vendor photos). Do not simply include links to photos. This is for the convenience and safety of members ... it is also much more effective in swapping.

    Please do not post your personal information in the forum. Instead, when you have accepted an offer, contact the other party either through the TeaChat private messaging system or through e-mail to finalize the transaction.

    When an offer has been accepted, please note this in your original thread so that forum moderators may lock it. Inactive swaps will be locked by Moderator after 60 days w/o any activity, it is up to the Original Poster to keep the topic "active" by posting.

    Items may simply be given away, traded, or a fair price may be asked for them. However, be warned that trading, buying, and selling are independent transactions from both TeaChat, its Moderators, and Adagio Teas and must be undertaken at the participant's own risks.

    Once a transaction is finalized, please alert a moderator so that the thread may be locked. This can be done very simply just by sending a PM (private message) to Chip.
Thanks, and have a good time swapping!

Edited and updated by Moderator/Chip 1/26/2009

Effective 6/15/09, 3 new addendum rules for TeaSwap:

1. Emphasizing: in order to do some housekeeping, from now on, any TeaSwap topics not posted in the last 60 day will be locked. So, post in your offer in order to keep it open and towards the top.

If a post has been locked/moved by a Moderator due to topic and/or member inactivity, they can be reopened if you PM a Moderator ... if you are a currently active/posting member. This will be at the discretion of the Moderator.

2. AND, all Subject Title offers MUST include the the user name of the Member making a TeaSwap offer. So, if you are posting an offer topic, in the subject title, place your TeaChat user name FIRST!

3. New offers by members who have joined TeaChat less than 60 days ago will be removed from the forum w/o prior notice to the poster unless prior exception/approval has been granted by a Moderator via PM.

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Re: Tao of TeaSwap, please read BEFORE posting

by Chip » Nov 23rd 13 8:57 pm

Effective 11/18/10 Silent Auction via TeaSwap.

1. We will give this a trial by fire. If you have an item you wish to offer via silent auction, contact me (Chip) or another Moderator FIRST! If your request is approved at Moderators discretion, the Moderator will start a silent auction topic for your item.

Member must also meet the requirements for TeaSwap.

2. A minimum bid will be established and the selling member will agree to sell at this minimum bid and higher.

3. The Moderator will be acting as facilitator of this auction only. He will post the topic in his/her name. And bids will be placed via PM to this Moderator.

TeaChat, its administration/moderation, Adagio and her agents are not responsible in any way for this auction.

The bidder accepts full responsibility. Tingjunkie has pledged to sell this via this auction, and he is solely responsible for the prompt delivery of said item upon the close of this auction.