Green tea and kids

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Jun 9th, '15, 10:10
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Green tea and kids

by Xell » Jun 9th, '15, 10:10

Curious what people around here think about it, quite some time ago i heard that better not give anything that contains caffeine to kids. But my daughter always curious what we're eating and drinking, especially matcha catching her attention due to how it's prepared.

First time she tried matcha around 2 years old and only a bit, but looks like she enjoyed a lot. Now she's a bit over 3 years old and really enjoys it, often drinking bowl a day. No problems with sleep or any changes in behavior. This got me thinking that fear of caffeine in green tea for kids is way exaggerated.
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Re: Green tea and kids

by chingwa » Jun 9th, '15, 11:45

I'm pretty sure I was drinking Coca-Cola and Dr. Pepper from day 1 :lol:
People have a real selectivity when it comes to good and bad. If you're going to allow your kids soda, there's no reason not to allow them sencha.

Matcha being more caffeine concentrated may be another matter, but it's not like you're giving them whisky and cigarettes.

But I'm biased, as I don't have kids. Maybe if I did my opinion would change?

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by bonescwa » Jun 9th, '15, 13:46

Awww :)

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Re: Green tea and kids

by rdl » Jun 9th, '15, 22:29

bonescwa wrote:Awww :)
I feel tea is a powerful drink, and although my son was served matcha at 5, without any second thoughts on the part of the host, he drinks very little of it. Other teas he drinks daily. Personally, I think a 3 year old is too young. But you're in Japan with Japanese resources to consult. I am curious what is usual there?
However, the photograph deserves a place of honor in your album!

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Re: Green tea and kids

by William » Jun 11th, '15, 04:50

Beautiful photo, she is so cute!! :)

Ps. In Japan kids usually drink tea/matcha?

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Re: Green tea and kids

by Xell » Jun 11th, '15, 06:22

I also thought it's too early, but seeing that there are no problems with sleep or behavior i think a bit of it is fine. But i won't give strong coffee, that probably would be too much at once.

I guess also personal tolerance to caffeine is important, for example my wife can drink only a bit of tea without causing problems with sleep. While i can drink cup of coffee right before sleep and see no difference. (my sleep is equally bad with or without :))

She actually doesn't like that much other teas, she drinks of course time to time, but no excitement. I guess it's the creamy texture of matcha along with flavor. It doesn't feel like water if mixed well.

Kids do drink tea, not matcha though. Usual teas at home like bancha and genmaicha... most probably prefer juice or sodas instead :) Almost everyone was really surprised when we tell that our daughter likes matcha. Somehow strong image exists that matcha is bitter.

In Japan drinking matcha at home is actually quite rare, most people in japan buy only cheap teas, like bancha, cheap sencha or genmaicha not more than 200-500yen per 100g. Lots of expensive teas is going for gifts. Not many also know there is something else out, like kabusecha for example :)

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Re: Green tea and kids

by teaformeplease » Jun 11th, '15, 11:44

I think a lot of it has to do with perception and how much exposure the child has to caffeine. If you never give them any caffeine and then they do get a cup of tea, of course it is going to affect them strongly. I live in the states but grew up drinking a cup of black tea before bed every night. It never kept me awake and still doesn't. Everything in moderation :D

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Re: Green tea and kids

by entropyembrace » Jun 11th, '15, 22:05

Xell wrote:Curious what people around here think about it, quite some time ago i heard that better not give anything that contains caffeine to kids. But my daughter always curious what we're eating and drinking, especially matcha catching her attention due to how it's prepared.

First time she tried matcha around 2 years old and only a bit, but looks like she enjoyed a lot. Now she's a bit over 3 years old and really enjoys it, often drinking bowl a day. No problems with sleep or any changes in behavior. This got me thinking that fear of caffeine in green tea for kids is way exaggerated.
I'm recalling now that I was actually only a few years older than your daughter when I got my first taste of matcha. I was in elementary school and the school put on an international culture event for all of the students and the Japanese community was preparing and serving matcha. They coached it as being something very different from the kind of tea we might know and most of the kids didn't like it. I thought it was really good but I never saw matcha again for years.

Anyway they were serving it to a school full of kids under the age of 12 without any issues :lol:

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