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Mar 23rd, '16, 12:46
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Several Questions on Beginning Japanese Teaware

by AFOL » Mar 23rd, '16, 12:46

Hi, everyone!

From my first foray into the world of serious tea, I've been mainly making Chinese tea with my gaiwan or my Yixing teapot. However, I've started to branch into Japanese teas, particularly matcha. I currently make matcha at work in the lazy fashion (that is, I put it into a bowl or a mug, make a paste, and then stir that into hot water with a spoon). However, I'd like to be more skillful about it when I make matcha or sencha at home, as I enjoy the more ritualistic aspects of tea-making. As such, I have a few questions that I hoped someone might be able to answer.

1. As far as teaware goes: is a kyusu a good way to make matcha, or is it more for teas like sencha and genmaicha?
2. If a kyusu isn't suitable for matcha, what is the traditional matcha-making vessel? I know that there are also other tools needed for making matcha; which ones of these are recommended?
3. Does anyone have any suggestions of good places to buy these wares (kyusu, matcha tools, possible other matcha vessel) online? I'm looking for something that's relatively inexpensive, but still of decent quality.
4. Is there a guide somewhere that teaches the basics of Japanese tea-making? While I probably won't be able to do the entire ceremony (I don't have a tea-house, and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to invest in a tetsubin), I'd like to know some of the basics. I realize that studying under a master is the best option; however, I'm lucky enough to have a Chinese tea store in my city (and one that recently started carrying Japanese teas, as well), and I don't think there's a Japanese tea master around.

Sorry if these questions have been asked and answered before!

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Mar 23rd, '16, 23:48
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Re: Several Questions on Beginning Japanese Teaware

by Tead Off » Mar 23rd, '16, 23:48

Matcha is made in a bowl called 'chawan' in Japanese.
A whisk is used to whip it to a hot, frothy soup.
You can buy the materials used for matcha online at any price range from inexpensive to expensive.
Do a google search and also a search on teachat for more info.

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