What is the classic flavor profile for Jin Jun Mei?
I'm used to the Spring 2016 JJM from Tea Trekker, which has a dry, intensely aromatic, cocoa flavor. I recently tried the "honey aroma" JJM and Tong Mu Guan JJM from Cindy Chen (WuYi Origins), and they both have more of a mesquite flavor. (The "honey aroma" powerfully so, the TMG a bit more balanced). Obviously, how they taste to me is what matters, but I'd like to know for my general edification which of these is a more traditional JJM.
Re: Jin Jun Mei
For the first several infusions, I remember it is very rosy, and after it has got flavor mixed with sweet potatoabnyc wrote: What is the classic flavor profile for Jin Jun Mei?
I'm used to the Spring 2016 JJM from Tea Trekker, which has a dry, intensely aromatic, cocoa flavor. I recently tried the "honey aroma" JJM and Tong Mu Guan JJM from Cindy Chen (WuYi Origins), and they both have more of a mesquite flavor. (The "honey aroma" powerfully so, the TMG a bit more balanced). Obviously, how they taste to me is what matters, but I'd like to know for my general edification which of these is a more traditional JJM.