Good, reasonably priced Kukicha and Genmaicha?

Made from leaves that have not been oxidized.

Mar 16th 19 9:37 pm
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Good, reasonably priced Kukicha and Genmaicha?

by AliceG » Mar 16th 19 9:37 pm

I have to watch how much caffeine I ingest. That's one reason I like genmaicha and why I am interested in trying kukicha. Does anyone have a recommendation for a place that sells quality kukicha at a decent price in smaller amounts (3 oz or less) and what's your opinion on a good genmaicha? I'm a student on a budget so don't want to spend a ton of money. I have usually just bought genmaicha from Asian groceries or health food stores in the past.

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Re: Good, reasonably priced Kukicha and Genmaicha?

by JRS22 » Mar 19th 19 2:49 am

Try Dens Tea at

They have a variety of genmaicha and Kukicha available in 2 ounce bags. Also, take a look at the trial kits. I bought the loose leaf tea kit and if you don’t have Japanese teaware the Kyushu is a good starter pot.