Hi, I am a tea farmer from taiwan

Comprehensive member driven guide to vendors of all teas

Sep 9th 19 8:53 am
Posts: 3
Joined: Sep 9th 19 2:11 am

Hi, I am a tea farmer from taiwan

by yiming.chang » Sep 9th 19 8:53 am

HI everyone !

My name is Yiming.

I am a tea farmer from Taitung, taiwan. I am also an official apprative judgement in competition tea still training.

well... Do you have any question about Taiwanese tea? I specialize in tea making, cupping, area terroir, organic tea, wild tea, mid/low altitude area tea (which is most skillful tea making area).

I am HONEST as much as I can. If i don't know the answer I just say I donot know.

I might be rude or not polite because my English is basic. I do not mean to do that.

THANK YOU in advance. :D :D :

Aug 10th 20 3:12 pm
Posts: 1
Joined: Aug 10th 20 3:08 pm

Re: Hi, I am a tea farmer from taiwan

by knoxxknocks » Aug 10th 20 3:12 pm

Hey there I live in Taipei and would love to learn and cup taiwanese tea if I can visit your place if you are willing

yiming.chang wrote: HI everyone !

My name is Yiming.

I am a tea farmer from Taitung, taiwan. I am also an official apprative judgement in competition tea still training.

well... Do you have any question about Taiwanese tea? I specialize in tea making, cupping, area terroir, organic tea, wild tea, mid/low altitude area tea (which is most skillful tea making area).

I am HONEST as much as I can. If i don't know the answer I just say I donot know.

I might be rude or not polite because my English is basic. I do not mean to do that.

THANK YOU in advance. :D :D :