Hello! I'm a current undergraduate student in Social Anthropology in St Andrews in Scotland. I am exploring the 'politics of tea drinking', looking to chat to people about their tea drinking habits. I know tea is an integral part of my daily life and am eager to see how this forms part of other people's daily habits.
If anyone would be interested in chatting to me please reply to this, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
Re: Tea habits
I drink tea all day long. I start with high caffeine, switch to green right before noon, then decaf or herbals for the rest of the day.
A day without tea is a sad day indeed. I even travel with my tea when I can.
A day without tea is a sad day indeed. I even travel with my tea when I can.
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Re: Tea habits
I think it would help your research a lot if you follow certain tags on instagram like #teatime #tealover #teaaddict #wayoftea etc.