FREE tea book

We're always open to a little constructive criticism.

Jan 21st, '06, 22:48

by wendy » Jan 21st, '06, 22:48

im psoting under MY Name of wendy.
the last guest post was not me. if u care to beleive it, but with all that has happened, i 2nd what guest has posted...
too bad im not part of the club
and wow, with all the tea companies out there, im sure adafio is NOT the only one with great tea

Jan 21st, '06, 22:51

by wendy » Jan 21st, '06, 22:51

cess wrote: As for as the cult/club remark - try a cup of your nice Adagio tea - it will calm you. Or maybe you are the type that is hard to please in any area - if so - sorry for you (and others).

My 2 cents - for free! :)

like i said, it weas NOT me, but lets leave this self righteoues talk at home. this is a feedback forum, not a how to be a good person one

Jan 21st, '06, 22:55

by wendy » Jan 21st, '06, 22:55

this is my last post and i wont be checking this forum again.
it seems adagio sells great tea and has lots of fans in this forum.
my experiece with their customer service has been shit
and so i wont be ordering from them again. there are other companies sellng great tea out there. i dont need to be in the inner circle to order from them and get great service.

an another note, i emailed adagio to see if they could cancel the order, tey said it was out of their hands, i would have to revieve the parcel and resend it back to them
well a simple email to fedex on my part has strated the return process without me having to accept the parcel,
so what so difficult about that.
end of story from one very dissatified customer who doesdnt spell and type very well.

good bye

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Jan 22nd, '06, 00:13
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by cess » Jan 22nd, '06, 00:13

Dear Wendy or guest - so sorry to sound 'self-righteous', just speaking from experience. I AM hard to please in many areas and found Adagio to be very accomodating which pleases me and their tea is a true pleasure in itself - so sorry you missed out on that one.


Jan 22nd, '06, 00:46

by Guest » Jan 22nd, '06, 00:46

Pathetic people. You just don't get it. Thats why cult and "inner circle" describe what you're in and why you can't see it clearly.

Jan 22nd, '06, 03:19
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by Al » Jan 22nd, '06, 03:19

Anonymous wrote:Pathetic people. You just don't get it. Thats why cult and "inner circle" describe what you're in and why you can't see it clearly.
You know, a smile is just a frown turned upside down. Also, are you getting enough fiber? It might make you less irratable.

There plenty of great advice like this in the free book you get with...

Oh wait.

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by vbguy772 » Jan 22nd, '06, 09:10

Gee, I never thought of myself as being in a tea cult/club. I guess Wendy and "Guest" will never get it no matter what we say. I worked in the professional world for 34 years before my retirement. After a year of not working I decided to go back to work - so I got a retail job. If I learned anything about customers it's that you just can't please some people no matter how hard you try.

Now, about this so called Adagio "inner circle." I suggest we all dress up as barbarians and have a meeting. Or perhaps we could all dress in white and hand out flowers at the airport. I'm just kidding, of course.

On a serious note, I'll have to say that I love the service I get from Adagio. Wendy, I've spent over $250 with Adagio since August 2005. I paid for the book in my last order. I didn't get it free like some did and mine was not autographed by the author like some were. I'm not complaining. I take advantage of all the great benefits of buying from Adagio and I'm happy with that. If Adagio chooses to send me something free again I'll be pleased, if they don't I'll still love their great teas and service. My cup is not half full or half empty. It's a full cup - thanks to Adagio.

Wendy and "Guest," I hope you enjoy your tea no matter where you buy it.

Happy sipping..............


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Jan 22nd, '06, 14:08
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by cess » Jan 22nd, '06, 14:08

"Guest" and/or Wendy -Do yourself a favor - have a cup of Chamomile (no matter where you buy it).


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Jan 22nd, '06, 22:19
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by teamuse » Jan 22nd, '06, 22:19

wowsa..that his turned positively nasty.

i would not consider myself an inner circle member by any means...i didn't get my book for free, i didn't get a calendar for free, and it wasn't autographed either...really as long as i continue to get great tea and service it doesn't really matter.

it's really too bad that this has turned into a pissing match :(

-adagio customer since 2003

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by librarianpirate » Jan 23rd, '06, 00:34

It's a pissing match? Oooo - after drinking two pots (10 cups) of tea in about 3 hours yesterday I coulda out pissed ALL y'alls!

I'm just saying ...


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by TeaFanatic » Jan 23rd, '06, 00:37

That's what you get when you give people access to the internet. They feel that they can just say whatever they want and get away with it. Who cares about Wendy, more tea for us right?
"Make tea not war"

Favorites: Sencha, Dragonwell, White Monkey, Silver Needle, Gyokuro, Kukicha, Darjeeling

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by himthatwas » Jan 23rd, '06, 00:43

Ha, Ha, So when's the orgy?

Can't have a cult without one.

Oddly enough I got one of the books but did not put it in my basket to request it. Is this requirement perhaps new? I just assumed that since it was my first purchase it was an automatic thing.
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by AlTeavious » Jan 23rd, '06, 07:51

Hmmm a tea we get to move to china and start growing tea? Where do I sign?

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by chris » Jan 23rd, '06, 09:39

While I try not to give these types of visitors too much of my time (after all, someone who'd endlessly complain and fail to accept a reasonable compromise about a free item that they couldn't manage to correctly add to their cart doesn't deserve too much attention), I have to step in for a moment.

Posting feedback about our company and service is one thing... we accept it, and appreciate it. We really do. However, insulting the people that, on their own time and volition, try to post helpful remarks is completely unnecessary. Even more, these people are my friends, and I personally will not stand for it.

"Guest" (or whoever is making these ridiculous claims - I've got my guesses), please understand that you are always welcome to come on this bulletin board as long as you've got something constructive to add. However, further posts of this nature are intolerable and will be immediately deleted.

Peace and love,

Adagio Maestro

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Jan 23rd, '06, 09:43
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by chris » Jan 23rd, '06, 09:43

PS... Wendy, I wrote the troubling tea book in question, and would be glad to ensure that a copy is not only included in your next order, but I will sign it.

Just drop me a note to let me know when the order is placed (chris at adagio dot com).

Hope this allays any anger,

Adagio Maestro

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