Oct 16th, '17, 00:38
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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by NanoCrazed » Oct 16th, '17, 00:38

steanze wrote:
NanoCrazed wrote:
I was suspicious too as it is almost too ornate.
They did make very ornate pots in late Qing/early ROC. But they look quite different from that one... for example like this: http://fs01.bokee.net/userfilespace/201 ... 977724.jpg

In the pot you posted, the clay looks strangely uniform, with little "sandy" texture, which is strange for a zini from that period. Also the style of the mark is strange for late Qing/ROC. There are many things that all point to it being made much later, after 1990s. I might be wrong, but I'd say there is a 99% chance it's made after 1990, and a 1% chance or less that it's from 1900-1909...
I stand corrected... been scouring the net looking for identical chops to try to getting closer to the artist since I received the pot a few days ago... almost been an obsession, and a fun thing to do while sipping on my tea. :) coincidentally right after my last post, I came across chops that lead me to think the pot is made by 周桂珍 , Zhou Gui Zhen (I have a terrible time reading stylized chop marks, particularly those in archaic forms).

I found several examples of her chops on various works but none exactly in the same style as on the one I have. But over several chops, the character style all line up.


Oct 16th, '17, 02:08
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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by steanze » Oct 16th, '17, 02:08

NanoCrazed wrote: I stand corrected... been scouring the net looking for identical chops to try to getting closer to the artist since I received the pot a few days ago... almost been an obsession, and a fun thing to do while sipping on my tea. :) coincidentally right after my last post, I came across chops that lead me to think the pot is made by 周桂珍 , Zhou Gui Zhen (I have a terrible time reading stylized chop marks, particularly those in archaic forms).

I found several examples of her chops on various works but none exactly in the same style as on the one I have. But over several chops, the character style all line up.

I'd give a similar chance - 99% it's not a real Zhou Guizhen pot. The workmanship is not refined enough to be the work of a master of such level, for example the handle is quite thick as compared to the body, the details are not precise... Here is an example of a Zhou Guizhen pot:
http://collection.sinaimg.cn/zsrw/20110 ... 142315.jpg

there are many thousands of imitations out there...

Oct 16th, '17, 03:08
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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by NanoCrazed » Oct 16th, '17, 03:08

steanze wrote:
NanoCrazed wrote: I stand corrected... been scouring the net looking for identical chops to try to getting closer to the artist since I received the pot a few days ago... almost been an obsession, and a fun thing to do while sipping on my tea. :) coincidentally right after my last post, I came across chops that lead me to think the pot is made by 周桂珍 , Zhou Gui Zhen (I have a terrible time reading stylized chop marks, particularly those in archaic forms).

I found several examples of her chops on various works but none exactly in the same style as on the one I have. But over several chops, the character style all line up.

I'd give a similar chance - 99% it's not a real Zhou Guizhen pot. The workmanship is not refined enough to be the work of a master of such level, for example the handle is quite thick as compared to the body, the details are not precise... Here is an example of a Zhou Guizhen pot:
http://collection.sinaimg.cn/zsrw/20110 ... 142315.jpg

there are many thousands of imitations out there...
Thanks for the thoughts... if this truly were a Zhou GuiZhen pot, it would be just an extra bonus in that I would have a sense of who the artist might be. It brews a great cup of pu erh! :)

Oct 16th, '17, 05:28
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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by NanoCrazed » Oct 16th, '17, 05:28

NanoCrazed wrote:
steanze wrote:
NanoCrazed wrote: I stand corrected... been scouring the net looking for identical chops to try to getting closer to the artist since I received the pot a few days ago... almost been an obsession, and a fun thing to do while sipping on my tea. :) coincidentally right after my last post, I came across chops that lead me to think the pot is made by 周桂珍 , Zhou Gui Zhen (I have a terrible time reading stylized chop marks, particularly those in archaic forms).

I found several examples of her chops on various works but none exactly in the same style as on the one I have. But over several chops, the character style all line up.

I'd give a similar chance - 99% it's not a real Zhou Guizhen pot. The workmanship is not refined enough to be the work of a master of such level, for example the handle is quite thick as compared to the body, the details are not precise... Here is an example of a Zhou Guizhen pot:
http://collection.sinaimg.cn/zsrw/20110 ... 142315.jpg

there are many thousands of imitations out there...
Thanks for the thoughts... if this truly were a Zhou GuiZhen pot, it would be just an extra bonus in that I would have a sense of who the artist might be. It brews a great cup of pu erh! :)

Hey -- check this out... was scouring for marks and followed a couple of bread crumbs... which led me to a site that shows some of Zhou Guizhen's early works... There's an exact picture of the pot I posted on the page about 1/4 way down, with a few more further down in the page -- granted mine is in better / mint condition. Wondering now if mine might be one of several copies she produced? Otherwise, hats off to the mad skills of whomever did the faith reproduction...


http://8850.biz/%E5%91%A8%E6%A1%82%E7%8 ... %E5%93%81/

http://imgditan.cang.com/201305/07/2013 ... 874748.jpg
http://imgditan.cang.com/201305/07/2013 ... 718896.jpg
2013050712230051874748.jpg (33.05 KiB) Viewed 1606 times
2013050712230920718896.jpg (41.25 KiB) Viewed 1606 times

Oct 16th, '17, 11:17
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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by steanze » Oct 16th, '17, 11:17

imo this is another fake... there are many out there, so you will also find websites that say that such fakes are examples of Zhou Guizhen's work.

May I ask, do you have much experience with Yixing teapots? You can find hundreds of such "Zhou Guizhen" teapots on taobao:

https://s.taobao.com/search?q=%E5%91%A8 ... 16&ie=utf8

You can ask yourself: if you had gotten any one of these, would you also think it was a real Zhou Guizhen pot?
There are also many imitations that are more plausible than the one you posted, and can be bought for under $100... for example like this one: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a2 ... =13#detail

Oct 16th, '17, 13:25
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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by NanoCrazed » Oct 16th, '17, 13:25

steanze wrote:
May I ask, do you have much experience with Yixing teapots? You can find hundreds of such "Zhou Guizhen" teapots on taobao:

https://s.taobao.com/search?q=%E5%91%A8 ... 16&ie=utf8
My experience goes only as far as making tea... :)

To be honest, I buy teapots based on whether I think it makes a good tea, and the aesthetics of the pot that speaks to me while I drink my tea. So, never really purposely seek out collector's items per se. Just for used pots, I go through the fun of trying to find out more about the artist \ maker.

The pot wasn't sold to me as a Qing piece nor as something from Zhou Guizhen. I was only told about the pot's history from the seller after I bought the teapot upon my inquiry on if she knew anything about its past. And was told that it belonged to her late aunt and uncle who were some prominence who traveled to China at a time where it was rare for Americans to go there. Hence, her belief in that original dating. I thought it was an interesting story and didn't find any reason to discredit that since it was told to me after the sale, rather than before.

The idea of the possibility that it might be a work by Zhou Guizhen came to me as I was just searching for similar marks, and happen to chance upon enough to make it a plausible thought. And a fun distraction for the sleuth in me. :)

Oct 16th, '17, 14:25
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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by steanze » Oct 16th, '17, 14:25

NanoCrazed wrote:
To be honest, I buy teapots based on whether I think it makes a good tea, and the aesthetics of the pot that speaks to me while I drink my tea. So, never really purposely seek out collector's items per se. Just for used pots, I go through the fun of trying to find out more about the artist \ maker.
that's the spirit. And it has happened to most (if not all) of us to buy something and then find out it is not what we initially thought. Ultimately, often that becomes a starting point for a useful conversation from which we can benefit in the future.

You seem to really like teapots and learning about them :D I suggest that when you plan to get a pot next, you try to aim for a 70s-80s qing shui ni from factory 1, there are some offered from time to time at reasonable prices and they are a good starting point as an example of good clay. Simple shapes and good clays make for a teapot that you will enjoy for a long time even as you learn more about the subject.

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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by Zared » Oct 16th, '17, 17:31

I only have one pot from my early yixing purchases that I still use and that's only because it's good clay from 80's F1. Wish I could've followed Steanze advice back then and bought a couple simple ones from 70-80's instead. Everyone ends up with some tuition pots though.
If you like more ornate styles like the one you posted then save up for something from ROC-70's. I prefer simple designs but some of those older ones are pretty tempting.

Oct 16th, '17, 22:50
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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by NanoCrazed » Oct 16th, '17, 22:50

For the heck of it... here are some of my other pots that I enjoy.
SmartSelectImage_2017-10-16-19-49-26.jpg (28.62 KiB) Viewed 1480 times

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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by williammimi70 » Nov 5th, '17, 14:57

My recent acquisition
Is it factory 1?
seal1 (1 of 1) (Large).jpg
seal1 (1 of 1) (Large).jpg (88.86 KiB) Viewed 1333 times
seal (1 of 1) (Large).jpg
seal (1 of 1) (Large).jpg (44.46 KiB) Viewed 1333 times

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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by Zared » Nov 6th, '17, 11:16

williammimi70 wrote: My recent acquisition
Is it factory 1?
I'm not familiar with that design so i have no idea if it's F1 but someone posted similar one on FB on Saturday. https://m.facebook.com/groups/twteapot/

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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by williammimi70 » Nov 8th, '17, 01:12

Zared wrote:
williammimi70 wrote: My recent acquisition
Is it factory 1?
I'm not familiar with that design so i have no idea if it's F1 but someone posted similar one on FB on Saturday. https://m.facebook.com/groups/twteapot/
Thank you
I saw an almost identical one( shape size and clay) that belongs to V@A museum London and they think that it was made between 1980 to 1987

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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by Aya » Nov 28th, '17, 23:08

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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by John Sung » Nov 28th, '17, 23:19

Aya wrote: My F1 green label hongni shuiping has been gaining patina already :)
It brews great shen.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/160339509 ... 997106694/

https://www.flickr.com/photos/160339509 ... 997101474/
https://www.flickr.com/photos/160339509 ... 997099384/
Congratulations. Looks cool.

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Re: Official/Different Yixing Show Off Topic!

by steanze » Nov 29th, '17, 01:16

williammimi70 wrote: My recent acquisition
Is it factory 1?
I don't think so, but the clay looks good.
It's imitating Shi Dabin's work, a famous Ming potter - his name is carved on the base.

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