What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
Do you have a favorite Signature Blend? If so what and why? If not, are you still on the hunt for one and what are you looking for?
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
Still on the hunt.
I have many more regular Adagio teas to taste before I can make my own or pick one of the popular blends.
I have many more regular Adagio teas to taste before I can make my own or pick one of the popular blends.

Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
From what I have tried and what I have created I still love my blend I created...Sweet Velvet Fog. I think I just got lucky with it. Although, I am always on the hunt for more, I just love the infinite possibilities tea offers.
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
I haven't tried a whole lot of blends but I'm a pretty huge fan of Silk Road as my morning tea, though I've come to realize I just really love blends with mambo in them!
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
If you like blends with Mambo you should check out the Creator: Woodie Barnes blends. He loves Mambo and uses them a lot. I haven't tried them but he has told me they are rather good.

Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
I've only had a few, and am waiting on the box to get to me so I can try more! But as for what I've had so far, I'd have to say my CurrantBerry is probably my favorite, though Caramel Delight comes close, if I want something a little sweeter.

Aug 5th 10 3:50 am
Posts: 33
Joined: Jan 26th 10 4:52 am
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
Oh dear, just one? It's *so* difficult to choose a favorite! Of my gajillion blends, I'd say I have a top ten list that includes:
Southworth http://tinyurl.com/2cfgyyr
It's a strong, powerful flavor but at the same time, refined and comfortable. It really does replace coffee well as a morning beverage, and I like that it's distinctive, but not a "weird" flavor so I can serve it in mixed company. (Gourmands and flavorphobics agree: nomnom!)
Neipalm! http://tinyurl.com/262ravs
When I was blending this one, I chose the flavors based on the people the tea is a tribute to -- and was pleasantly surprised at how beautifully the flavors worked together. It's mainly Earl Grey and Oriental Spice, representing Neil Gaiman (and english writer) and Amanda Palmer (an unconventional musician/performance artist) with Guanabana thrown in the mix to represent the exotic nature of their pairing. It's a flavor that almost defies description, but is the kind of thing you can easily drink several cups of in a row.
Moonwaffle http://tinyurl.com/232bpwv
I love this one because it's like dessert in a cup. The same reason I like so many of my blends, which tend to lean towards the desserty side.
(Moonwaffle seems to be everybody else's favorite of mine as well, selling over twice as many as my next-highest seller.)
Double Rainbow ATW http://tinyurl.com/27j9gyk
I love this one because it's sweet, light and friendly. I made a huge pitcher of it iced for friends recently, and it practically vanished!
A Walk In The Park (Floral) http://tinyurl.com/23lot5m
I love how this one tastes like you've put a bouquet in your mouth. I also love that it's three different kinds of tea (ceylon, rooibos and green) and it works! (I spent a bit of time playing with 3-note blends that weren't "supposed" to go together, and came up with a few that do indeed.)
Mojo http://tinyurl.com/29dohva
I love how exotic this one tastes. It reminds me of when you try a new kind of food you don't expect to like, but end up adoring. Like the lime coconut shrimp a friend made me years ago, that I had to work up the nerve to put in my mouth, and then promptly made a total pig out of myself eating several servings. This tea's like that, only not fishy. :>
My Nutty Valentine http://tinyurl.com/2dx98xa
This is another one I love because it's so desserty, but it's especially tasty. I've never had candy with all three flavors in it (strawberry, chocolate, and hazelnut), but I hope they exist somewhere 'cause it's divine.
Psychic Octopus http://tinyurl.com/2596b72
This one I love probably in equal parts because of the flavor and the name, both of which make me grin. The peach takes the orange/spice flavors in an interesting direction that's still spicy/sultry, but with an almost wispy note.
Glimmer http://tinyurl.com/2a9abww
This one was one of the first blends I ever made, and with 90-plus blends under my belt, it's still one of my very favorites. It's sweet, and fruity/floral, and has that kind of immersive quality that intensely perfumed blends have -- it's more than just a flavor experience.
Chaizelnut http://tinyurl.com/2drrao3
I love how opulent a flavor this one is, and how nicely it replaces uber-expensive coffeehouse drinks. It's just two notes, but they're two of my very favorite flavors and they dovetail *perfectly* It's one I can drink an entire pitcher of on my own.
Southworth http://tinyurl.com/2cfgyyr
It's a strong, powerful flavor but at the same time, refined and comfortable. It really does replace coffee well as a morning beverage, and I like that it's distinctive, but not a "weird" flavor so I can serve it in mixed company. (Gourmands and flavorphobics agree: nomnom!)
Neipalm! http://tinyurl.com/262ravs
When I was blending this one, I chose the flavors based on the people the tea is a tribute to -- and was pleasantly surprised at how beautifully the flavors worked together. It's mainly Earl Grey and Oriental Spice, representing Neil Gaiman (and english writer) and Amanda Palmer (an unconventional musician/performance artist) with Guanabana thrown in the mix to represent the exotic nature of their pairing. It's a flavor that almost defies description, but is the kind of thing you can easily drink several cups of in a row.
Moonwaffle http://tinyurl.com/232bpwv
I love this one because it's like dessert in a cup. The same reason I like so many of my blends, which tend to lean towards the desserty side.
(Moonwaffle seems to be everybody else's favorite of mine as well, selling over twice as many as my next-highest seller.)
Double Rainbow ATW http://tinyurl.com/27j9gyk
I love this one because it's sweet, light and friendly. I made a huge pitcher of it iced for friends recently, and it practically vanished!
A Walk In The Park (Floral) http://tinyurl.com/23lot5m
I love how this one tastes like you've put a bouquet in your mouth. I also love that it's three different kinds of tea (ceylon, rooibos and green) and it works! (I spent a bit of time playing with 3-note blends that weren't "supposed" to go together, and came up with a few that do indeed.)
Mojo http://tinyurl.com/29dohva
I love how exotic this one tastes. It reminds me of when you try a new kind of food you don't expect to like, but end up adoring. Like the lime coconut shrimp a friend made me years ago, that I had to work up the nerve to put in my mouth, and then promptly made a total pig out of myself eating several servings. This tea's like that, only not fishy. :>
My Nutty Valentine http://tinyurl.com/2dx98xa
This is another one I love because it's so desserty, but it's especially tasty. I've never had candy with all three flavors in it (strawberry, chocolate, and hazelnut), but I hope they exist somewhere 'cause it's divine.
Psychic Octopus http://tinyurl.com/2596b72
This one I love probably in equal parts because of the flavor and the name, both of which make me grin. The peach takes the orange/spice flavors in an interesting direction that's still spicy/sultry, but with an almost wispy note.
Glimmer http://tinyurl.com/2a9abww
This one was one of the first blends I ever made, and with 90-plus blends under my belt, it's still one of my very favorites. It's sweet, and fruity/floral, and has that kind of immersive quality that intensely perfumed blends have -- it's more than just a flavor experience.
Chaizelnut http://tinyurl.com/2drrao3
I love how opulent a flavor this one is, and how nicely it replaces uber-expensive coffeehouse drinks. It's just two notes, but they're two of my very favorite flavors and they dovetail *perfectly* It's one I can drink an entire pitcher of on my own.
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
I haven't been able to pick any yet, there are just SO many to choose from! I'm leaning towards a few with chocolate and maybe raspberry to try first.
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
Depending on the mood that day
Pumpkin Juice
http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/b ... blend=7569
or if I am feeling different like a raspberry cotton candy flavor the Tea is
Eric Northman, tb
http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/b ... blend=7705
Something you wouldn't expect out of a tea.
Pumpkin Juice
http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/b ... blend=7569
or if I am feeling different like a raspberry cotton candy flavor the Tea is
Eric Northman, tb
http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/b ... blend=7705
Something you wouldn't expect out of a tea.
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
Yeah I think Tea should be in your drink and in your food. Hey why not? 

Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
I really love the teas at Teavana and their blends are good right out of the can. I love them.
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
See "Signature Blends" here:mikek wrote:I really love the teas at Teavana and their blends are good right out of the can. I love them.
Re: What's Your Favorite Signature Blend?
If you like blends with Mambo you should check out the Creator: Woodie Barnes blends. He loves Mambo and uses them a lot. I haven't tried them but he has told me they are rather good.
Thank you Rach for the plug of my teas.
(your the best tea pal)
My one blend A.M.WAKE-UP was number one and on the top four list.
It is the perfect morning tea. (my opinion)
look under creator of sig blends and look for my name, woodie barnes.
yours in tea all

Thank you Rach for the plug of my teas.

My one blend A.M.WAKE-UP was number one and on the top four list.
It is the perfect morning tea. (my opinion)

look under creator of sig blends and look for my name, woodie barnes.
yours in tea all