Three Caballeros Blends (from the tea Amateur)

Discuss some of the favorite customer-created Signature Blends.

Mar 16th 13 3:04 pm
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Three Caballeros Blends (from the tea Amateur)

by watsonholmes » Mar 16th 13 3:04 pm


So hello all,

I'm actually really nervous now that I'm here because the more I talk about my blends the more I'm sure I've messed them up. I'm the only one that's bought a bag so far and I have to say their not bad, well at least they don't make me gag or anything (yea there is a good image to bring up). Anyways, my teas are based on three of my favorite characters, Disney's own Three Caballeros- Donald Duck, Jose Carioca, and Panchito Pistoles. So far I've made one for Donald Duck and Jose Carioca, the Macho Duck and the Sultry Samba.

The Macho Duck ( ... lend=39123) is sort of a spicy flavor. My mom says it reminds her of one of those fruit zingers. I think it's more of a spicy chai. It has a lot of apple in it with spiced apple chai and sour apple both of which are very strong. I also added a little chocolate to it so that it would have a little sweet. All and all it's strong like Donald's character with just a bit of sweet.

The Sultry Samba ( ... lend=39821) was a difficult one to make, mostly because I realized after the fact that I wasn't making it right. I was using to much tea and the foreign fruits (passion fruit and mango) were coming out bitter. Finally I came down to mango masala, coconut, and chocolate. The mango flavor reminds me of the sort of fun tart music of the samba that Jose Carioca is know for. But when adding some milk the coconut and chocolate comes out and I find myself melting like when Jose starts to sing about Bahia.

And that's it so far, I plan to make one for Panchito and for all three of them. I hope it comes out okay...

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Re: Three Caballeros Blends (from the tea Amateur)

by boywoodhe » Mar 17th 13 8:59 pm

Hey, my tea friend

Dont worry about making mistakes on your new blends. In my opinion..The blest way to understand the flavors is to taste them. You can buy the sampler pack or samples or just buy your blends and you can disect and taste what is good or bad. I have done very well with the blends but I made many mistakes...but it is about learning by your mistakes. When your doing a theme or cartoon or what ever, you may not always find the flavors to really describe your blend completely. Also some flavors/ideas may not taste well with certain will just have to test them first. Many SB artist make a mistake(in my opinion) use passion fruit for a blend everytime a blends is about passion,love and mix it with crazy flavors. First rule ...know(good idea or have taste) what flavor you are mixing. Cinnamon , is another flavor many make a mistake (in my opion). The cinnamon is more like a slight mild fire ball, or then a clove dark spice. The chocolate is a very weak taste, unless you put two chocolate teas together or just put a large percent , if you want a strong chocolate flavor, Just a reminder that not all flavors will come accross as like the real thing. I think your doing very well...keep on trying and if you need any to help.

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Re: Three Caballeros Blends (from the tea Amateur)

by boywoodhe » Mar 17th 13 9:39 pm

Hey Hey Watsonhomes

I didnt want you to think my opinions were marked in stone. It is only my my little opinion/advise, and I know many other qualified SB tea lovers would love to help.

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Re: Three Caballeros Blends (from the tea Amateur)

by Snooteaperson » Mar 24th 13 3:21 pm

When it comes to blending fandom teas, go with your gut and tweak it from there. Don't be afraid to experiment! I thought that no one would go for a blend of ginseng green, lemon rooibus, and white pear--but it's sold, and the reviews are good ones.

If you find yourself staring at the page for longer than a half an hour, trying to figure out the perfect ratio or accent or flavor profile, then stop, breathe, and have a cup of unrelated tea. You can always come back to it later.

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Re: Three Caballeros Blends (from the tea Amateur)

by boywoodhe » Apr 6th 13 4:53 am

Hi snoot

Iam happy that your giving other fandom blend creators advise. In my opinion, it is very important that when someone should try the tea flavors first before blending. Like, you can buy the tea sampler set to experiment or you can buy your own blend and they can add or minus the blend. I look at this way....if anyone expects someone to buy their fandom blend for $10, then I do believe in my opinion, they(creator) should try it first. I tried many many signature/fandom blends over the last 6years and i found winners and too many really bad blends that i tossed in the garbage. Many people that message me or I would see in tea chat room...said they were afraid to try the fandom blends because because many of them (creators) said it was the bestt or tasted great but the (buyers) are not sure the creators are telling the truth...just to sell blends.( without trying it) Look, iam not perfect...I made plenty of poo poos when I first started. (practice makes perfect) You can check my blends on fandon blends and to go to woodie barnes. (not to get someone to buy..but for anybody to check it out... or have questions)
many hugs and drink up
woodie barnes