Feb 6th, '16, 12:49
Posts: 50
Joined: Jul 20th, '15, 00:19

bintuborg: Black Kinsai Junzo Cup + Morales Tenmoku Chawan

by bintuborg » Feb 6th, '16, 12:49

Hi!! I am looking to swap some teawares I bought a few months ago.

1) [SOLD] Black Kinsai Cup by Maekawa Junzo:
DSC04127.jpg (67.92 KiB) Viewed 807 times
I bought this cup ~ 6 months ago. I was curious about the sparkly gold glaze, but I ended up not using this cup too much, so I want to find it a better owner. The glaze is slightly rough and dries very quickly. Cup needs to be in sufficient light for gold sparkles to be clearly visible.
Dimensions: 7 cm high, 8 cm across (major), 5 cm across (minor)

Original price $25. My price $20. Price negotiable.
See Flickr gallery with more pics: LINK
See original sale page: LINK

2) [Available] Blue Tenmoku Chawan by Ray Morales:
DSC04135.jpg (71.58 KiB) Viewed 807 times
I bought this chawan off Etsy because I was curious about what it is like to drink from a chawan. Also of course for the beautiful blue dribbly tenmoku glaze. In the end, I think drinking out of chawan is not for me. I prefer yunomi or guinomi. I think this cup could find a better owner than me, someone who would actually use it for its original purpose!
Dimensions: 9.25 cm high and 11 cm across

Original price $45. My price $35. Price negotiable.
See Flickr gallery for more pics: LINK
See original sale page: LINK

Shipping Price: In my experience, selling inside the USA is about $10 and outside is about $20 using USPS.
Last edited by bintuborg on Feb 9th, '16, 23:50, edited 2 times in total.

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Feb 6th, '16, 18:46
Posts: 99
Joined: Mar 28th, '14, 00:18

Re: Black Kinsai Junzo Cup + Morales Tenmoku Chawan

by pizzapotamus » Feb 6th, '16, 18:46

PM sent about Junzo's cup.
