have you ever...
listened or watched Scruff and CHIP go at it in the instant messenger box?it's ridiculously entertaining 

Apr 17th 07 6:43 am
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Apr 17th 07 3:54 pm
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...dude, if I have told you once, I have told you...well twice now...I am not ridiculously entertaining, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night...(ok, I need a new line)
Well, I must confess, I have been called many things, but never entertaining...
But hang around long enough and you may see Scruff take a bite out of teabags, which are for the most part a crime. Now that is entertaining.
Well, I must confess, I have been called many things, but never entertaining...

But hang around long enough and you may see Scruff take a bite out of teabags, which are for the most part a crime. Now that is entertaining.

Apr 17th 07 5:40 pm
Posts: 20891
Joined: Apr 23rd 06 12:52 am
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