Return of the wishlist

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by chamekke » Aug 23rd 08 2:19 am

I like the Wishlist homepage - very intuitive!

Now then. When I clicked the select button to select my primary address, this opened up another page that said:

Thank you for updating your shipping address
Select your primary address...

Because I saw the "Select your primary address" heading first (since it's in a larger font than the "Thank you" text), I thought that my address selection hadn't worked and that I had to try again. It took me a few moments to realize that my selection had been successfully made and that I was now able to start using the wishlist functionality.

So perhaps you might consider adding another line or two to the effect of, "Now enjoy creating your wishlist!" or "Return here at any time to change your selection of primary address". Just to make it nice and obvious :wink:

When I began browsing through the teas, it became obvious how the wishlist feature works. For those who haven't seen it yet: as mentioned on the introductory page, there is a wishlist button next to each tea, and each size that is available for that tea. I really appreciate the latter fact, since I often want the opportunity to try a 2-oz sample before committing to a larger one. I also like the mouseover effect on the wishlist button (it turns into a cross), along with the somewhat more subtle arrow that appears under the corresponding product in the photograph above. Very nice indeed!

Improvements? It would be nifty to have some Amazon-style wishlist features, e.g. the ability to set a priority on a wishlist item (ranging from High, which for me would be "I must get this on my next order!", to Low, which would be more akin to, "Order this at some point, but, no rush"). The other Amazon wishlist feature I quite like is the Add to Cart button. Clicking this button on Amazon doesn't remove the item for the wishlist automatically, which means - if Adagio adopts a similar feature - that I can keep my permanent favourites always available to me on the wishlist.

One other thing that would be nice, IF possible... a spot to post a comment on each item in the wishlist. How nice would it be to have a place where we can make such notes as "Keep this one in stock forever!", "If you buy me one tea, Dad, make it this one"; and "Get this one as a Christmas gift for Melody, she will love it!"

I do recognize that these might require a lot more code, and they aren't essential by any means. If I could have one new feature, though, it would be the ability to add comments (or to select a priority if commenting isn't doable). This would be a big help to family and friends browsing the list in search of potential gifts.

P.S. And I think someone already mentioned it, but - it would also be very cool to have the prices displayed on the wishlist, too!
Last edited by chamekke on Aug 23rd 08 2:37 am, edited 2 times in total.

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by RussianSoul » Aug 23rd 08 2:33 am

I don't see the Wishlist button even when I am logged in my Adagio's account. I only see Add to Cart button - Image

What am I doing wrong?
Last edited by RussianSoul on Aug 23rd 08 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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by Victoria » Aug 23rd 08 2:35 am

RussianSoul wrote:I don't see the Wishlist button even when I am logged in my Adagio's account. What am I doing wrong?
This is a test group - Ilya has to enable you to participate.

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by RussianSoul » Aug 23rd 08 2:38 am

Victoria wrote:
RussianSoul wrote:I don't see the Wishlist button even when I am logged in my Adagio's account. What am I doing wrong?
This is a test group - Ilya has to enable you to participate.
Got it! :) Thanks!

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by chamekke » Aug 23rd 08 2:52 am

An afterthought -

Having added 15 items so far to my wishlist (and this is a working wishlist, i.e. I'd like to buy everything that's on it at some point), I'm now really beginning to feel the fact that I can only see 5 items at a time. Of course, there is a scroll bar on the Wish List and I can see the rest if I use that; but it would be even better if I could see everything at a glance, so as to select a subset from which to order.

Now I can appreciate that, with so many other things sharing the screen real estate, Adagio might be reluctant to devote much more space to the visible Wish List. In that case, might it be possible to click through to a Wish List Detail page where one could see everything at once?

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by ilya » Aug 23rd 08 3:25 am

Cinnamon Kitty wrote:So far the wish list feature seems very easy to use. It is very self explanatory to add things to the list and take them off again. Good idea in that if you click an item twice to add to the wish list, it only adds it once and that you can add different sizes of the same tea without an issue.

The one major thing that I thought might be useful would be to have a button on the bottom of the list to clear it completely. The only other thing that I thought of was to add the price near the item on the wish list, but then I realized that might confuse it with the shopping cart and that the added items are clickable links that bring you back to that item's page which shows the price there.

I also like how you can see other people's wish lists. Just to clarify, would a person need an account with Adagio to view wish lists? I noticed when I was logged in, I could see the wish lists for any one, including those of us beta testing the feature, my friends, random people that I clicked on their profiles through both tea reviews, and friends of my friends who were not on my friends' list. When I logged out, I saw no wish lists on any account. Also, are the wish lists permanent in your account? As in, do they clear automatically after a few weeks or are they permanent until the creator of the list changes it?

That's all for now. I will continue playing around later.
wow, lots of good feedback from everyone. Let me try to address as many as possible...

Once the feature goes live everyone will be able to browse your list. However, at this point, only Adagio customers are able to place order. I realize this is the biggest shortcoming and will see if I can address this asap. Also, the wishlist do not have any expiration date, so they will not disappear after the holidays. Although we may downgrade the amount of real-estate we offer them.

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by ilya » Aug 23rd 08 3:28 am

PolyhymnianMuse wrote:Playing around with it a little I really like the feature so far. Everything cinnamon kitty pointed out are good points. I also think it would be nice if maybe the items were organized a bit more. For instance when you look at someones wishlist it could be seperated into the different types of tea or perhaps even just tea from teaware, same for the side panel list. It might make it more manageable and just prettier :P

Also, maybe a link to your wishlist can be shown somewhere (you know, like myspace and the like do) so you can just give someone the link to your list and they can get straight to it.
Good idea about organizing them into categories. This should be fairly simple to accomplish. As for the link to your list... all wishlists live in your personal profile page, so they can easily be accessed from every page. Additionally, I will indicate which of your friends has an active wishlist.

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by Cinnamon Kitty » Aug 23rd 08 3:31 am

chamekke wrote:Now I can appreciate that, with so many other things sharing the screen real estate, Adagio might be reluctant to devote much more space to the visible Wish List. In that case, might it be possible to click through to a Wish List Detail page where one could see everything at once?
Actually, if you click on your customer profile, the one in the side bar, there is a tab for wish list and it will show everything that is on there at once. It would be nice to have a button on the wish list in the side bar that will take you directly to that since it seems like it is not as self explanatory as it could be.

Another thing that I noticed was that you cannot add things to your wish list through the "reorder & refill" option on your account page.

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by ilya » Aug 23rd 08 3:36 am

chamekke wrote:I like the Wishlist homepage - very intuitive!

Now then. When I clicked the select button to select my primary address, this opened up another page that said:

Thank you for updating your shipping address
Select your primary address...

Because I saw the "Select your primary address" heading first (since it's in a larger font than the "Thank you" text), I thought that my address selection hadn't worked and that I had to try again. It took me a few moments to realize that my selection had been successfully made and that I was now able to start using the wishlist functionality.

So perhaps you might consider adding another line or two to the effect of, "Now enjoy creating your wishlist!" or "Return here at any time to change your selection of primary address". Just to make it nice and obvious :wink:

When I began browsing through the teas, it became obvious how the wishlist feature works. For those who haven't seen it yet: as mentioned on the introductory page, there is a wishlist button next to each tea, and each size that is available for that tea. I really appreciate the latter fact, since I often want the opportunity to try a 2-oz sample before committing to a larger one. I also like the mouseover effect on the wishlist button (it turns into a cross), along with the somewhat more subtle arrow that appears under the corresponding product in the photograph above. Very nice indeed!

Improvements? It would be nifty to have some Amazon-style wishlist features, e.g. the ability to set a priority on a wishlist item (ranging from High, which for me would be "I must get this on my next order!", to Low, which would be more akin to, "Order this at some point, but, no rush"). The other Amazon wishlist feature I quite like is the Add to Cart button. Clicking this button on Amazon doesn't remove the item for the wishlist automatically, which means - if Adagio adopts a similar feature - that I can keep my permanent favourites always available to me on the wishlist.

One other thing that would be nice, IF possible... a spot to post a comment on each item in the wishlist. How nice would it be to have a place where we can make such notes as "Keep this one in stock forever!", "If you buy me one tea, Dad, make it this one"; and "Get this one as a Christmas gift for Melody, she will love it!"

I do recognize that these might require a lot more code, and they aren't essential by any means. If I could have one new feature, though, it would be the ability to add comments (or to select a priority if commenting isn't doable). This would be a big help to family and friends browsing the list in search of potential gifts.

P.S. And I think someone already mentioned it, but - it would also be very cool to have the prices displayed on the wishlist, too!
I agree that we need to better present the 'successfully picked an address page'. Will address it asap. As for the suggestions for the ability to add semi-permanent items to the wishlist, the comments, and defining the wishlist order... All good ideas, however, our thinking is to build the functionality closer to the Apple model rather than the Microsoft one. I'd rather have a simple interface that does 2-3 things well rather than 20 options that cause clutter and are rarely used.

As for the suggestion on displaying prices, all products have price info in your profile page (this is the page where people will actually be ordering the tea/teaware)

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by ilya » Aug 23rd 08 3:39 am

RussianSoul wrote:I don't see the Wishlist button even when I am logged in my Adagio's account. I only see Add to Cart button - Image

What am I doing wrong?
You should now have access to the wishlist as well.

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by chamekke » Aug 23rd 08 3:39 am

Cinnamon Kitty wrote:
chamekke wrote:Now I can appreciate that, with so many other things sharing the screen real estate, Adagio might be reluctant to devote much more space to the visible Wish List. In that case, might it be possible to click through to a Wish List Detail page where one could see everything at once?
Actually, if you click on your customer profile, the one in the side bar, there is a tab for wish list and it will show everything that is on there at once. It would be nice to have a button on the wish list in the side bar that will take you directly to that since it seems like it is not as self explanatory as it could be.
Cinnamon Kitty, can you kindly tell me where this "tab for wish list" is?


I tried clicking on the + sign on the "tab" next to the words Tea Wish List. It seems simply to be an image - it isn't hyperlinked to anything.

I tried clicking all over the words Tea Wish List, in the hope that there might be an underlying link. That didn't do anything, either.

Last edited by chamekke on Aug 23rd 08 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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by ilya » Aug 23rd 08 3:40 am

chamekke wrote:An afterthought -

Having added 15 items so far to my wishlist (and this is a working wishlist, i.e. I'd like to buy everything that's on it at some point), I'm now really beginning to feel the fact that I can only see 5 items at a time. Of course, there is a scroll bar on the Wish List and I can see the rest if I use that; but it would be even better if I could see everything at a glance, so as to select a subset from which to order.

Now I can appreciate that, with so many other things sharing the screen real estate, Adagio might be reluctant to devote much more space to the visible Wish List. In that case, might it be possible to click through to a Wish List Detail page where one could see everything at once?
The full list is available on your personal profile page

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by ilya » Aug 23rd 08 3:41 am

chamekke wrote: CK, can you kindly tell me where this "tab for wish list" is?
The tab is on your personal profile page

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by chamekke » Aug 23rd 08 3:51 am

Can you please tell me how to navigate to my personal profile page?

I do find the navigation on the Adagio site a little confusing at times... of course I am still a fairly new customer and presumably will find my way around through trial and error. Here is what I tried:

Clicking on my name at the top of the homepage (Welcome back Chamekke) just reloads the homepage.

Clking on the account link on the menu bar (the one that runs across the top of the homepage) opens what I think is called the Account page. Perhaps this is what you mean by my personal profile page. (I can't find the words "personal profile" anywhere on it, but I suppose that is its function.)

If so, I have clicked literally every link on the left side of that page, but haven't found a wishlist tab.

I don't know, perhaps this is a bug, or perhaps there's something I haven't tried. If you can tell me how to get there via either a series of steps OR by sharing a screenshot, that would be really helpful.

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cosy, doesn't try it on."
- Billy Connolly

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by Victoria » Aug 23rd 08 3:55 am

Ok, I'm looking at CK's wish list and when I check off one of the "Click to Buy" items, a partial CC number comes up in the bottom right - I don't think it is mine.
Is it her's???

And it says clicking will process the order. Without a review purchase page?
I get the feeling if I click it she will be charged.

Edit: Yes it is her CC# becaause I went to mine and checked off an item and my CC# comes up.
Last edited by Victoria on Aug 23rd 08 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.