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Dec 8th, '08, 16:44
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Tea Rooms

by phantom9309 » Dec 8th, '08, 16:44

I've seen lots of pictures of tea collections and tea set ups with tables and such but does anyone have a tea room? I came across this catalog of tea ware but it also has tea furniture(I guess thats what you would call it). :P

Dec 8th, '08, 16:54
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by Pentox » Dec 8th, '08, 16:54

I think most of us are in the same boat. We would love to have one and maybe someday, but for now nope.

Most of the "tea furniture" is somewhat specialized though. Most of what I've seen is either Gong Fu hardware or Chanoyu.

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by disillusioned » Dec 8th, '08, 17:11

I have an extra room in my house that has been going unused until reading this. I feel obliged to turn it into a tea room. I'm not 100% sure what a tea room would look like but I'm thinking an opium den from china in the 1500's minus the opium.

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by Gu-Ao-Rui » Dec 8th, '08, 17:29

My kitchen at home is pretty much a tea room. The joke goes I could open up a tea shop. But, I mean, it's not specifically tea. There is some other foods / drinks in there. :roll:

When I return to the States though, that is one of the ideas to do: create a specifically 'for tea' room.

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