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Greetings from San Francisco

Posted: Aug 3rd, '13, 00:49
by Marcella
Greetings and salutations readers,
I'm a newbie and a San Francisco native who's recently begun to enjoy tea :D in the past year. I usually don't go on online forms but with my recent addiction to tea, I find that many of my searches relating to tea link back to TeaChat and as a result, I've decided to invest time into joining the form instead of just lurking (you know, makes me seem like less of a stalker/awkward) :? .
I am Chinese-American but recently learned of teas that come in flavors that aren't bitter (I like sweet teas that keep a nice flavor even when cold) :o .
Currently, my favorite tea is "Blue People Oolong King Grade" and I've taken a penchant to Oolong varieties.
My next planned purchase is most likely a Yixing clay tea set from a local shop.
My favorite brewing spot is in my home kitchen counter. I look forward to one day having my own cabinet of tea selections which I can hold teas that I and my family can enjoy together :mrgreen: .
Thanks for reading :lol: .

Re: Greetings from San Francisco

Posted: Aug 4th, '13, 02:11
by Chip
Welcome Marcella, glad to have you on board! I hope to see you around TeaChat!

Stay thirsty. :mrgreen:

Re: Greetings from San Francisco

Posted: Aug 11th, '13, 05:23
by donaldosborne
Stay thirsty and make great post here on TeaChat - thirsty of knowledge of course.