House Blends

Fully oxidized tea leaves for a robust cup.

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Nov 26th 05 1:14 am
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by klemptor » Nov 26th 05 1:14 am

I actually whooped out loud when I read this. (And then The Cat, whom The Boyfriend and me are petsitting for TB's parents, cocked one ear back and looked at me quite strangely. I hate when she does this.)

*Ahem* My point is - great idea, J!
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Nov 26th 05 4:17 am
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by Tadiera » Nov 26th 05 4:17 am

Wouldn't this go along with the "alchemy" idea that was discussed?

I like the idea, but I admit, I am a bit afraid of mixing teas, myself. I'm not sure I'd be able to come up with anything good!
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Nov 26th 05 4:32 am
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by klemptor » Nov 26th 05 4:32 am

Indigo Tea Company has a house tea called Indigo Blend which is a blend of Yunnan and some form of Jasmine (their site is contradictory as to whether it's a black or a green; my feeling, from looking at the leaves, is that it's an oolong similar to Adagio's Jasmine #5). I'm really enjoying it. (I just made a cup of it.)

As far as the alchemy, I don't really recall that discussion except for that it seemed to center solely on pre-flavored teas. It would be nice if, when the blending option is re-launched, we were able to blend unflavored black teas together as well.
I came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form.