Adagio's plant a tree
I wasn't sure where to post this. I have contacted Adagio via face book and email in regards to the plant a tree. I am not sure how many TC ers saw the plant a tree. I was hoping I could get some more information from some one who has already inquired about this. All I was told through face book was they were working on something cool. Any information would be great thanks.

Jun 16th 10 7:29 pm
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Re: Adagio's plant a tree
Some people have asked me for an update about this.... once I get the info from Ilya I'll post it here.

Jun 16th 10 10:18 pm
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Re: Adagio's plant a tree
I was just thinking the same thing - I looked at the email today (was cleaning out the inbox) and saw that it's been a while since I got the "Your tree has sprouted!" email...Victoria wrote:Good, because they need watering!!