Irish Breakfast

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Nov 17th 11 1:43 am
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Irish Breakfast

by tonyh » Nov 17th 11 1:43 am

Any idea when Irish Breakfast will be back in stock? It's my favorite tea-I drink it almost every day, and I am running out of it so I am getting a little desperate. It says it should be in stock "end of October" but it is already the middle of November.

My backup would be to get Ceylon Sonata, but that is out of stock too!

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Re: Irish Breakfast

by nrstooge » Nov 27th 11 7:32 pm

the loose is in stock now, I ordered 16oz (this is one of my go to teas too) but the teabags are still out. Can you purchase loose and the paper tea bages (100 for $3 or so) if you prefer teabags? The loose is actually a better deal cost wise. Hope this helps.