A few weeks ago I told you to stay tuned for "Signature Week" coming up on TeaDay. Well, finally it has arrived.
Many moons ago on TeaChat, "Signatures" were enabled and appeared at the end of every member post who added a Signature to their TeaChat profile. It was interesting until it totally got out of hand with 'spam-like' Signatures and worse ... images that repeated over and over again. Oh my ... the images!!!

At the time, we had begun tightening restrictions in order to reign in the spammers who had run amok on TeaChat, but spammers quickly figured out how to sneak one by us via Signatures. And clever bloggers were posting silly one liner or even one word posts in order to repeat their links that appeared in their Signatures ... a good way to beat the forum rules on self promoting posts and links!
Also, at the time in an extremely rare and full agreement between the then second mod and myself, we did not like how the Signatures disrupted the fluidity of the forum pages with repeating Signatures over and over again ... sans Signatures, the forum pages were noticeably cleaner looking and easier reading.
So here is your chance, add a Signature in your profile if you have not already done so. It will appear at the bottom of all your posts. I will enable this for a one week(ish) trial period, and ask for member feedback here. Depending upon member feedback, the Signature may return for a longer period, provided everyone stays civil.
It goes w/o saying, but say I will ...

Remember to vote, and you can change your vote during this period.