What's your choice?

White and yellow teas are among the most subtle.

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Jun 19th 17 2:26 am
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What's your choice?

by janet11 » Jun 19th 17 2:26 am

Someone said it’s a good choice for summer, I don’t know it’s right or not.
Do you know more about white tea?
Rare people enjoy white tea in my opinion,what about your opinion?

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Re: What's your choice?

by chrl42 » Jun 19th 17 2:44 am

White tea is renowned for 1) reducing body heat and 2) neutralizing poison,

it's sometimes used for medicinal purpose (TCM)

it could be due to the specific plant (Fujian breed) grown or way of manufacturing..that I'm no sure...the plant itself is called Big-White-Tip type...relatively larger leaf type compared to other camelia sinensis, pretty superior to grow..less pest by insects..a cup of tea itself can be wonderful as well. Nowdays many other green tea manufacturers also use this type as well (like Mengding Ganlu, Jingting Lvxue ect)

Because it's one of those teas that rarely disappoint, price of white tea also skyrocket year by year..meaning they are enlarging their farms..which would untimately cause the fall of quality.. :P

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Re: What's your choice?

by Aya » Jul 22nd 17 7:20 pm

Just my personal experience... I had been suffering from slightly higher body temperature for about 6 months some years ago (37 degrees celsius, where my normal temperature is 36.3 degrees). I got better a couple of weeks after I started drinking baimudan almost exclusively for meal/ tea time etc.

It could be just a coincidence, so please don't take it too seriously.

Baimudan goes very well with any Japanese food, some western/ Chinese I cook regularly, and any sweets e.g. Cookie, cake, chocolate, Japasese manju so it is still one of my favorite. I can buy baimudan at very reasonable price either from nearby Chinatown tea shop or online tea shop here in Japan, and a mug cup with strainer works alright and very handy.

I also love silver needle, maybe because I prefer "gentle" tea such as gaoshan or light roasted oolong to "strong" tea. At least it gives more variety to my tea life :wink:

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Re: What's your choice?

by ablecha » Jul 27th 17 1:37 pm

Here in Fuding town, the old man always use old aged white peony brewed with boiling water to cure fever of child. Usually I brewed white sliver needle for my 7 years old son and he loves the white tea too.
It is said that " A year as tea, three years as treasure, seven years as Medicine", since the less processing steps, the white tea leaves left most Plant composition, which is quite heathy for us.