Lately I've been reading a lot how a lot of people enjoy drinking tea straight out from the glass where it was brewed - aka. grandpa style.
Anyway, I bought some Jasmine the other day, but I found it got really bitter even when using 70°C water, if brewed for longer (>1min). I've read many people said Jasmine can get bitter fast if not brewed correctly. On the other hand, I've seen some videos and posts on how the Chinese brew their jasmine this way, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
So I used a 300-ish ml glass (so lets say 250 ml water was used in the glass), 70°C water and cca. 2,5g of leaves. Here's the pic after about 6 min:

I didn't like it. It was bitter and I could hardly taste any Jasmine :/
Stubborn as I am, I tried again using less leaf and water temp. at 50°C.
This time, the brew was quite good after a minute or so, but got dull/bitter as time went on (even after refilling).
To be fair, this was my first Jasmine tea, and the cost was only about 4 €/100 g, +the labeling said it had added aromas (so far, I haven't managed to find a Jasmine tea without added aroma). So I'm guessing that had a big influence on how the tea turned out.
Have any of you tried brewing Jasmine grandpa style? If so,how did it turn out for you?
Please share your thoughts