Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

Made from leaves that have not been oxidized.

Aug 5th 05 8:33 am

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony

by teaarts » Aug 5th 05 8:33 am

Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony information, will be posted here along with ceremony procedures and rules. Share comments, questions,, and answers about: brewing methods, tea ware, tea ceremonies, tea links, tea performances and outings, . All are welcome... beginner and master alike


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by PeteVu » Aug 5th 05 10:32 am

automatic post gone haywire eh?
There are four advantages to green tea... Its beauty, its taste, its aroma, and its health benefits. Learn to enjoy the first three and you'll forget you drank it for the fourth. ^^

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by Marlene » Aug 5th 05 3:30 pm

I don't know about automatic posting. Teaarts/Icedtea posted this on RFDT a couple of weeks ago. S/he was mostly mocked, which I don't like to see, but I do agree with the general feeling. I'm not a big fan of 'modern' (ie made up) tea ceremonies.
Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, dosn't try it on.
-Billy Connolly

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by chris » Aug 5th 05 4:09 pm

Luckily, we never make fun of anybody!


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by teaspoon » Aug 5th 05 5:01 pm

Marlene wrote:I'm not a big fan of 'modern' (ie made up) tea ceremonies.
Tradition's gotta start somewhere, I guess...

"My sister and I have this wish before we die...
Tea in the Sahara with you."
~The Police, "Tea in the Sahara"

I am the size of 1 tsp.

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by Marlene » Aug 6th 05 1:11 am

I know that traditions have to start somewhere. But I think they're better when they develop over time into a ritual, not when someone goes "hey, let's make up a ceremony!"
Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, dosn't try it on.
-Billy Connolly

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by teaspoon » Aug 6th 05 4:21 pm

Oh yeah, I agree. Especially when people try to tout new ceremonies as rooted in ancient tradition... kinda like Wicca. (I can say that cos I have lots of Wiccan/NeoPagan friends.) But yeah I was just sayin'. I guess my previous post lacked a *shrug*

"My sister and I have this wish before we die...
Tea in the Sahara with you."
~The Police, "Tea in the Sahara"

I am the size of 1 tsp.

Sep 1st 05 11:58 am

mean lean green

by icetea-sherdwen » Sep 1st 05 11:58 am

You know green tea is a tea that one could make theirself, if you had a tea bush or severly and picked some nice young health leaves and steamed or dried, or even did it like the tang dynasty or lu-yu, the tea sage, and ground it some and boiled it. Just a thought. I heard that a good tea to grow is fu-shou (an oolong with fat leaves). I guess with fat you get more for your money. In Taiwan I went to a tea estate were we had a guide/farmer and we made some oolong... they did the picking we just did the fermenting/tossing/roasting it still took about two days, it sure did make me appreciate "made tea"....
oh, about the ceremony stuff if anyone is interested it is here.
one nice thing about a tea ceremony is it is a way to expose folks to tea. I think last time I posted some others thought I was conjuring up ghosts...hahhahah just kidding
