Look at what I got for christmas!

Made from leaves that have not been oxidized.

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Dec 28th, '08, 19:36
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Look at what I got for christmas!

by zacstill » Dec 28th, '08, 19:36

A matcha set!
From O-cha.com

The bowl has a nice spotted glaze, and the matcha itself is great.
It's my first matcha, other than a few matcha lattes I've had at starbucks and my local teahouse.
It tastes very nice just like I expected, but what I didn't expect was the buzz! I go into total zen-mode after drinking this tea. I'm gonna have to start my day with it from now on... there are worse vices I'm sure.

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Dec 28th, '08, 20:27
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by Cinnabar Red » Dec 28th, '08, 20:27

Thats a real nice setup. I know what you mean about the matcha buzz. I had my first matcha a couple of weeks ago, and was flying high as a kite. Of course, the fact that the vendor recommended a pound of matcha :shock: per ounce of water didn't help. Well a bit of am tall tale, but they sometimes encourage lavish use of the product.

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